Monday, May 26, 2014

A Killing Season

Prioress Eleanor has travelled with her brother Hugh, Brother Thomas, Sister Anne, and physician, Master Gamel to a castle on the coast owned by a crusader friend of Hugh's.  As they arrive at the castle, a potential heir to the castle falls from its ramparts.

Brother Thomas is of the opinion that the man who fell might have been pushed to his death.  Eleanor finds out from the mother of the young man that he actually thought he could fly when he plunged out the window, however prior to his fall his behaviour seemed very strange.

Baron Herbert had requested Hugh bring healers of soul and body to him.  Thomas now finds out that no one has seen the baron since his return because he is in perpetual hiding.  Why is he doing that?  Thomas also learns from a guard that the castle's priest had died in mysterious circumstances, however from the description the guard gives, Thomas wonders if the priest wasn't smothered.

Mysterious deaths in the past causes Thomas to question the guard further.  He learns that the guard had seen mysterious lights beneath the castle walls.  When they were investigated, nothing was found.

Shortly afterwards one of the remaining heirs is knifed in the chest.  Did Thomas find him in time?  Eleanor, Anne and Gamel set about searching for the killer.  Will they find him before he kills again?

Author Priscilla Royal has concocted an interesting tale of murder and conspiracy.  A good, quick read.

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