Monday, May 5, 2014

The Marx Sisters

DS Kathy Kolla has been tasked with working with Chief Inspector David Brock of Scotland Yard on a case that might prove to be murder.  Kolla is sure that the victim was suffocated with a plastic bag, however, the pathologist is not so sure, based on the evidence that he finds.

Brock is not the lead investigator on this case, and is giving Kolla free rein, much to her surprise.  He also has a previous case bearing on his mind; a criminal who was involved in shooting police, has absconded to South America, and he is hoping to be able to bring him back.

As they continue their investigation, they are presented with numerous lies.  They wonder what is behind the lying from the different people they question.  As the investigation progresses, Kalla and Brock discover that the victim and her sisters had papers and books that once belonged to Karl Marx.  They are valuable, which the old dears were not aware of.  Could this be the reason for the death?  Unfortunately, Kolla's Inspector tells her to cease the investigation based on the pathologist's report.

Six months later, one of the sisters of the original victim is found murdered.  This time, Brock is assigned the case and he wants Kolla to help him.  DS Bren Gurney is an integral part of this team, and he is sure that the crime can be pinned on the son of the original victim.  Brock isn't so sure.

It seems as though they have the first murder wrapped up.  A confession has been secured, now to just prove the second case.

Author Barry Maitland provides the reader with some real surprises in this murder mystery.  Just when you think the case has been successfully solved a new twist is thrown at the reader. A very entertaining read.

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