Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Guardian

William Wallace's cousin, Father James Wallace, wants to set the record straight about him.  Many have given Wallace a god-like status, and his cousin, who is a priest, feels that he needs to tell the true story of the man.

King Edward has wanted control of Scotland for some time.  As a result of his intervention, William Wallace's wife and son have been killed by English soldiers.  Wallace wreaks vengeance.  Edward in turn plans to put down the rebellion and punish the outlaws.

Father Wallace meets Robert Bruce at Turnberry Castle, and there learns of another Scot prepared to fight the English, Andrew Murray.  In the highlands of Scotland, Murray and his friend, Alexander Pilche have been causing problems for the English.  Bishop Wishart tasks Father James of informing Wallace and Murray that he wants them to harass the English, depriving them of supplies for the upcoming winter.  He also wants them to join their two armies and meet the English army at Stirling.

After the victory at Stirling, Wallace comes to the realisation that Scotland is bankrupt and without a government.  Robert Bruce offers his services as a mentor to Wallace.  They quickly find that governing is no easy task.  They call an assembly of Scottish leaders to plan the next steps.

Can Wallace, Murray, the bishops and Bruce hold the realm together against Edward of England?  Author Jack Whyte has written an intriguing historical novel about Wallace and those around him as he strove to protect his nation.  A good read for fans of history novels and Scotland.

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