Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Marco Effect

While Rose is out gathering information on a case for her boss, Carl Morck, she stumbles upon a poster of a missing person.  The strange thing is that a ladder and a scraper are beneath the poster as if the person scraping the poster had suddenly run away.  She is sure that the person on the poster is one of the cases she had selected for looking into by Department Q.

The missing man had been a diligent government worker.  There didn't seem to be anything nefarious in his past.  He had been in Africa for a day, changed his plans suddenly and returned to Denmark and immediately disappeared.  While Carl, Rose and Assad are investigating the house of the missing person, Carl looks out the window and sees a young lad looking in.  When the boy sees Carl looking at him, he immediately takes off.   Carl is sure that the boy has some answers to the case at hand, but what?

There are a chain of events that seem linked together.  The team just needs to forge those links so that they can solve it.  Once again, author Jussi Adler-Olsen has written an exciting thriller set in Copenhagen.   This is a book that the reader will have difficulty putting down.

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