Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Highlander

In  1415, two young boys from two different towns in ancient Mexico meet up, and despite having an initial disagreement, become fast friends.  Kuini is from the Highlands and Coyotl is from a large city in the lowlands.

When Kuini agrees to visit Coyotl's town he is awestruck by the vast pyramids and temples.  He is also very wary.  After Coyotl is summoned to the palace, Kuini is on his own to find his way out.  He finds himself defending a young girl from soldiers who are part of a visiting delegation.  The leader of the soldiers is an Aztec warlord and is impressed by how the boy fights his men and he ensures the lad gets away safely.  However, the girl will lead him on some misadventures, which will in turn get Kuini taken prisoner.  Fortunately the leader of the soldiers gets him released into his custody.

This new situation will result in Kuini falling into another adventure as he helps the delegation make their escape from the clutches of an emperor who wants them dead.  The end result brings quite a surprise to the lad, and eventually disappointment.

A good, quick read by author Zoe Saadia.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ruth's First Christmas Tree

It is Kate's second Christmas and Ruth wants her to have a proper Christmas with a tree.  Unfortunately Kate and Flint the cat knock the tree down while Ruth is visiting with her friend Cathbad in the kitchen.  Frustrated, Ruth sets the tree aside.

The following evening Ruth asks Cathbad to babysit for her while she attends a friend's Christmas party.  He mentioned that their friend, who is the curator of the local museum, is ill.  Cathbad also indicates the reason why he thinks their friend is ill.

At the party Ruth finds the something that is the reason for the illness.  She returns home to find that Cathbad and Harry, father have set up the tree for her.  Author Elly Griffiths has written a neat little, short Christmas mystery, which will bring a smile to the reader's face.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Abattoir Blues

DS Winsome Jackman has been called out to an abandoned hanger where a hiker and his dog have discovered what looks like blood, bits of bone and what looks like brain matter on the floor inside the hanger.  Meantime, DI Annie Cabbot, and DC Dougal Wilson are busy investigating a stolen tractor and a possible missing person.

DCI Alan Banks returns early from his holiday and brings the two teams together later in the day to discuss the cases.  Is there any chance of the two cases being connected since there do seem to be some coincidences.

The following night the caravan of the friend of the missing person goes up in flames; a definite case of arson.  Shortly after that the body of that friend is found when a van crashes over a cliff.  Are the cases tied together?  The post mortem indicates that the victim was likely killed in an abattoir.

More and more, the evidence seems to point towards the two incidents being tied together.  Now, the team has to gather further evidence, protect potential witnesses and shut down an international smuggling ring.  Once again, author Peter Robinson has put together another excellent who dun it with a few surprises along the way.  A book the reader will find hard to put down.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Girl from Ithaca

Paris has taken the beautiful Helen from Meneleus, despite all the Greek leaders having committed to helping Meneleus should anything happen to her.  Odysseus has tried to get out of his commitment to Meneleus to fight the Trojans.  However, by trickery he is forced to participate in the war that Agamemnon has been planning to take to the Trojans.

Shortly after this, Odysseus' young sister, Lady Neomene, is tasked with providing company to Iphigenia, Agamemnon's daughter, prior to her marriage to Achilles.  The Greek army is shocked when Agamemnon sacrifices Iphigenia to the gods.

An attempt to get Helen back by peaceful means, fails.  It is to be war.  The Greeks land outside Troy and force the Trojans inside their walled city.  Meneleus suggests a duel with Paris, the winner taking Helen and the gold she had taken from Sparta.  Paris is easily beaten and he flees to the city, so Hector and Ajax fight to an honourable draw.

As the years pass during the siege of Troy, Agamemnon seems to begin to lose control of the armies.  In order to gain everyone's confidence, Agamemnon insists his blacksmith marry Io, and threw a big celebration in honour of the wedding.  Now, buoyed by confidence, the Greeks prepare for another battle with the Trojans.

And thus ends the first installment in the story of the Trojan war, taken from the perspective of the sister of Odysseus.  A good, quick read by author Cherry Gregory.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Celtic Dagger

Detective Chief Inspector Alistair Fitzjohn has been forced to forego his planned vacation because of a murder at the University of Sydney.  A very sharp instrument has been used to stab Dr. Alex Wearing.

Wearing's brother, James, is informed of the death of his brother just after he had been informed that three artefacts they had borrowed for a conference were missing.  When he goes to his sister-in-law's home she shows him one of them.  Later, when he returns to his office, he finds a second artefact, a Celtic dagger and its sheath.  When Fitzjohn shows up moments later he informs him of the missing artefacts.

James is later informed by a shady character that he knows that James' wife's death wasn't an accident, but rather she was intentionally run down.  He provides James with pictures, which James takes to Fitzjohn.  James also discovers that his brother was being blackmailed.  He passes this information on to Fitzjohn.

More violence will ensue before this mystery is solved.  Although this is called a "Fitzjohn Mystery", it seems that author Jill Paterson has made James Wearing the true protagonist of this murder mystery.  A quick read.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Annika Bengtzon's home has just been fire bombed, but fortunately she and her two children have escaped.  She goes to her friend Anne's home, but in a fit of spite, Anne turns them away.

At the same time a well known police officer. David Lindholm, has been killed in his home, his child kidnapped and his wife, Julia, is catatonic as a result.  She is also the prime suspect.  Nina Hoffman, Julia's best friend is the first officer on the scene.  Nina is shocked to hear from DI Q that her friend had resigned from the force recently and not told her.  Q wants her to question her friend.

Annika has been assigned to look into the killing because she had done a piece on the two policewomen earlier.  However, her life is unravelling before her eyes.  The insurance company is holding back payment on her house while the arson investigation is ongoing and her husband has left her for another woman.  She is also a potential suspect for the arson to her house.

As Annika investigates David, she comes to the realisation that Julia may not be guilty of his murder.  Will Annika be able to prove her innocence without endangering herself and her children?  How can she do it.  Once again, author Liza Marklund has written an excellent thriller.  This is a book, which is hard to put down.