Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Highlander

In  1415, two young boys from two different towns in ancient Mexico meet up, and despite having an initial disagreement, become fast friends.  Kuini is from the Highlands and Coyotl is from a large city in the lowlands.

When Kuini agrees to visit Coyotl's town he is awestruck by the vast pyramids and temples.  He is also very wary.  After Coyotl is summoned to the palace, Kuini is on his own to find his way out.  He finds himself defending a young girl from soldiers who are part of a visiting delegation.  The leader of the soldiers is an Aztec warlord and is impressed by how the boy fights his men and he ensures the lad gets away safely.  However, the girl will lead him on some misadventures, which will in turn get Kuini taken prisoner.  Fortunately the leader of the soldiers gets him released into his custody.

This new situation will result in Kuini falling into another adventure as he helps the delegation make their escape from the clutches of an emperor who wants them dead.  The end result brings quite a surprise to the lad, and eventually disappointment.

A good, quick read by author Zoe Saadia.

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