Saturday, May 16, 2015

Abattoir Blues

DS Winsome Jackman has been called out to an abandoned hanger where a hiker and his dog have discovered what looks like blood, bits of bone and what looks like brain matter on the floor inside the hanger.  Meantime, DI Annie Cabbot, and DC Dougal Wilson are busy investigating a stolen tractor and a possible missing person.

DCI Alan Banks returns early from his holiday and brings the two teams together later in the day to discuss the cases.  Is there any chance of the two cases being connected since there do seem to be some coincidences.

The following night the caravan of the friend of the missing person goes up in flames; a definite case of arson.  Shortly after that the body of that friend is found when a van crashes over a cliff.  Are the cases tied together?  The post mortem indicates that the victim was likely killed in an abattoir.

More and more, the evidence seems to point towards the two incidents being tied together.  Now, the team has to gather further evidence, protect potential witnesses and shut down an international smuggling ring.  Once again, author Peter Robinson has put together another excellent who dun it with a few surprises along the way.  A book the reader will find hard to put down.

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