Monday, July 27, 2015

Natural Causes

Tony McLean has just become a detective inspector in Edinburgh, when he is handed an unusual case.  A desiccated body has been found behind a bricked in wall. It would appear to be that of a young girl.  He and his DS, Bob Laird, aka Grumpy Bob, were on a robbery investigation when they were called away to the case.  The coroner, Dr. Cadwallader, suggests that the girl died somewhere between fifty and sixty years ago.

DC Stuart MacBride has been assigned to McLean's robbery investigation team and he immediately discovers similarities to previous robberies. Meantime Chief Superintendent McIntyre wants McLean to help DCI Duguid with an unusual murder case.  McLean can't help but feel if this particular investigation goes south, he becomes the patsy.  Fortunately the following day, Duguid tells him that the case has been solved.

McLean now focuses on the robbery investigation, but not for long as Duguid sends him out to another murder case.  However, that case is apparently solved the next morning when McLean shows up at the business partner of the victim to find him dead and a suicide note.  However, this doesn't sit well with McLean.

The bodies keep piling up, and one of them is the lawyer for McLean's grandmother who recently passed away.  Duguid wants to know why the lawyer had recently changed his will, leaving everything to McLean.  However, everything changes when an attempt is made on McLean's life.  Only for the sacrifice of a WPC did he make it out okay.

Author James Oswald has more deaths awaiting the reader plus several unusual twists before he reveals what is behind the deaths.  When I started to read this murder mystery, I wasn't sure whether it was something I was going to enjoy, however it wasn't long before the author had my attention.  A very good read, and I am looking forward to the sequels.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

An Irish Country Wedding

Fingus O'Reilly is up in Belfast purchasing an engagement ring with his fiancé Kitty O'Hallorhan while his young protégé, Barry Laverty is back home in Ballybucklebo where their housekeeper Kinky Kincaid has come down with severe abdominal pain.  Laverty rushes her to the hospital in Belfast via ambulance.

Fortunately for the two doctors, ladies in the community bring them meals because they figure that the doctors will not know how to cook a meal for themselves.  However, after having surgery, Kinky takes a turn for the worse.  However, the wonder of drugs helps Kinky to recover, but she is lacking spirit, so Fingus asks her to plan his wedding.

As the wedding plans get underway, Barry finds himself thinking of the future as he plans to study gynaecology.  His thoughts are also confused by a new interest, the school mistress, Sue Nolan.  Meantime, both Barry and Fingal continue to do good works in the Balleybucklebo community.

Author Patrick Taylor has the reader smiling throughout this continuing story of a rural Irish doctor, and leaves you looking forward to the next in the series.  Thoroughly enjoyable.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Beige Man

DI Irene Huss of Goteborg, is late getting to the morning conference where she and the other members of her team learn about a stolen car which was involved in a high speed chase.  During the chase the car hit a jogger.  Later the vehicle was torched by the two men who stole it.  While searching for them, police dogs discover the body of a young girl in a small root cellar nearby.

The pathologist informs the team the following morning that the girl had been sexually and physically abused.  The team also learns that the hit and run victim is a former cop.  In addition, another body was found in the area of the girl's.

Sure that they are on track of a human trafficker, Irene works with the Human Trafficking Unit in hopes of busting the pimp.  Unfortunately the pimp escapes before he can be captured.  Later, he dies in an automobile accident.

Due to the international implications of the human trafficking, Irene is called upon to travel to Tenerife to help with their end of the investigation.  There she will work with a DI Juan Rejon, who explains that murders in Tenerife would appear to have connections in Goteborg.  She is surprised when Rejon is unexpectedly taken off the case.  It isn't long after making her report that Irene finds that things are going terribly wrong.

Author Helene Tursten creates a dramatic conclusion to this thrilling page turner. I've become an avid reader of this Swedish author and look forward to the next book in this series.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cold Sacrifice

DS Ian Peterson has been calked out late in the evening to investigate the stabbing death of a woman found sitting in a park.  He is not impressed by the husband's reaction to the news the following day.  

When a vital witness disappears, and the husband's car is stolen, it would appear that the finger is pointed more so at the husband as the killer.  Especially when it appears that the body of the witness pops out of the boot of the missing car when it is involved in a collision.  DC Polly Mortimer is assigned to help Peterson with the investigation.  Is she going to prove to be a help or a distraction to him?

They seem to catch a break when a lad is caught with the knife used in the murder of the first victim.  Unfortunately they can't pin ownership on anyone.  Shortly after that a third victim turns up.

Author Leigh Russell has a few surprises left in her pen for the reader before the story's climax is reached.  DS Ian Peterson's story is a spinoff of another series that the author had written previously.  Unfortunately I felt that this story was written by a first time writer who was developing her characters.  Further reading in this series will help to see how the main characters develop.

Monday, July 13, 2015

War of the Roses - Stormbird

England, 1443 and a young Henry VI is on the throne.  He is not battle hardened like his father.  He wants a truce with France.  His spymaster, Derry Brewer proposes Margaret of Anjou, but it will mean giving up Anjou and Maine.  William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk is unsure about the plan because it means giving up so much.

Both Henry and Margaret are related to King Charles of France, and for their marriage to go ahead, there will have to be a dispensation from the pope.  For security reasons, Henry doesn't attend the wedding in Tours.  Suffolk serves as his proxy.  Richard, Duke of York is outraged at this treachery.  Could the truce be broken if the English in Maine and Anjou refuse to move peacefully?

It is quite some time before Margaret arrives in England and marries Henry properly.  Much to the chagrin of Derry, Margaret wants to be involved in the reading of the documents that Henry has been signing.  Meantime the English in Maine have decided to fight the French army that has already forced the English out of Anjou despite the truce.

Angered at the broken truce, Charles advances his French army into Normandy.  York has been sent to Ireland, so the defence of Normandy rests in the hands of Suffolk.    Suffolk doesn't have sufficient numbers of troops to defend Normandy because Henry needs troops to keep the peace at home.

With rebels on the outskirts of London, Margaret agrees that the ailing King should be sent to his castle at Kenilworth, however, she plans to stay and face the rebels.  Although she survives the rebels, will she, her sick husband and unborn child, and England survive the machinations of Richard of York?

Once again, author Conn Iggulden has written a brilliant historical novel.  It is well researched and presented.  As a fan of historical novels, I found the book hard to put down.  I'm looking forward to the sequel.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Devil's Making

It is 1868 and Chad Hobbes has just travelled to Victoria, British Columbia where he hopes to article as a lawyer.  However, after meeting Judge Matthew Begbie, Hobbes becomes a constable in the Victoria police.  Several months later, Constable Hobbes, Superintendent Parry and Constable Harding are called out to the forest where a body of an American has been found.  Parry arrests the chief of the band and a young girl for the murder based on his suspicions.  The magistrate, Augustus Pemberton, assigns Hobbes the job of detecting who the criminal really is.

The victim was an alienist, a doctor of phrenology and mesmerism.  Hobbes discovers that the doctor left San Francisco under suspicious circumstances.  Several days after this, a body of a young woman is found off the quay of a local businessman.  It appears that she has committed suicide because a large rock is found in her dress.  Hobbes is not totally convinced that she had committed suicide.  Hobbes discovers that she had recently had an illegal abortion, and that the man she had been a servant for had been taking advantage of her.  He informs Hobbes that the original victim had been the one who had performed the abortion.

Hobbes investigation will take him on uncharted paths, but he finally comes to the realisation of who the killer is.  The task of arresting the killer will not be easy.  Author Sean Haldane has created a very good historical murder mystery, well worth the read.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Emperor - The Blood of Gods

Caesar has just been assassinated.  Will the senate react favourably to Cassius and Brutus? The senate grants the killers amnesty.  Caesar's nephew, Octavian is in Greece when the murder occurs.  Mark Anthony riles up the crowd at Caesar's funeral when he explains how members of the senate and Caesar's so-called friends had killed him.

Octavian returns to Rome with his friends Agrippa and Maecenas to hear the reading of Caesar's will.  Octavian is named as Caesar's heir, much to the chagrin of Anthony.  On top of that, the senate has ordered Anthony to Brundisium to decimate the legions there as punishment for not coming to the aid of the senators in Rome when the riots broke out.

Octavian gains the support of the two legions camped outside Rome, and marches them into the city.  Meantime, Anthony has got the six legions in Brundisium behind him.  The senators decide to call on the legions from outside the city to come to their aid.  Anthony marches around Rome headed north to attack one of the assassins.

Fearing Anthony, the senate offers Octavian some of his requests and then sends him after Anthony.  Octavian wins the battle against Anthony, but let's him escape.  Octavian then returns to Rome and is elected as one of the consuls.  Octavian then meets up with Anthony and Lepidus to negotiate the formation of a triumvirate that will go after the assassins, plus rule Rome and her territories.

Sextus Pompey has been given the roman fleet by the senate, and with it, he manages to blockade Italy.  Italy was on the verge of starvation, but Agrippa manages to destroy the rogue fleet with a newly created one, and new tactics.  The next task for the triumvirate is to go after Brutus and Cassius in Greece.

Brutus and Cassius await at Philippi, a strongly fortified site.  The ensuing battle will determine the future of Rome.  As with the rest of the book, author Conn Iggulden provides well researched detail of the battle, bringing it to life and and for thousands, death.  For fans of historical fiction, once again Iggulden has put together a book you will not want to put down.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


A body of a Polish man has just been pulled from the River Taff in Cardiff.  Although he is supposed to be off duty, DI John Marco has been assigned the case.  His tongue had been cut out and placed in his pocket with his wallet.  When the victim's flat is visited, it is discovered to have been tossed and another tongue is found.  The following day, at the victim's place of work, three more tongues are found in lockers.  The pathologist determines that they are animal tongues.

Marco is sure that one of the local crime bosses, Frankie Prince, has something to do with the death, as he had employed the victim as a part time doorman at his club.  Not long after this, another body turns up at the building where the first victim had lived.

Marco learns that Polish money and the Russian mafia are bringing in young girls to work in brothels.  When one of the young girls turns up, he learns that a computer with compromising pictures on it is missing, and that is what the criminals are searching for.  However, that same girl would later turn up dead and with her tongue cut out, too.

Marco's investigation will lead him to Warsaw and back, before a final resolution develops.  Author Stephen Puleston has created an exciting thriller in this, the first of a series about DI John Marco.