Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Beige Man

DI Irene Huss of Goteborg, is late getting to the morning conference where she and the other members of her team learn about a stolen car which was involved in a high speed chase.  During the chase the car hit a jogger.  Later the vehicle was torched by the two men who stole it.  While searching for them, police dogs discover the body of a young girl in a small root cellar nearby.

The pathologist informs the team the following morning that the girl had been sexually and physically abused.  The team also learns that the hit and run victim is a former cop.  In addition, another body was found in the area of the girl's.

Sure that they are on track of a human trafficker, Irene works with the Human Trafficking Unit in hopes of busting the pimp.  Unfortunately the pimp escapes before he can be captured.  Later, he dies in an automobile accident.

Due to the international implications of the human trafficking, Irene is called upon to travel to Tenerife to help with their end of the investigation.  There she will work with a DI Juan Rejon, who explains that murders in Tenerife would appear to have connections in Goteborg.  She is surprised when Rejon is unexpectedly taken off the case.  It isn't long after making her report that Irene finds that things are going terribly wrong.

Author Helene Tursten creates a dramatic conclusion to this thrilling page turner. I've become an avid reader of this Swedish author and look forward to the next book in this series.

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