Monday, July 13, 2015

War of the Roses - Stormbird

England, 1443 and a young Henry VI is on the throne.  He is not battle hardened like his father.  He wants a truce with France.  His spymaster, Derry Brewer proposes Margaret of Anjou, but it will mean giving up Anjou and Maine.  William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk is unsure about the plan because it means giving up so much.

Both Henry and Margaret are related to King Charles of France, and for their marriage to go ahead, there will have to be a dispensation from the pope.  For security reasons, Henry doesn't attend the wedding in Tours.  Suffolk serves as his proxy.  Richard, Duke of York is outraged at this treachery.  Could the truce be broken if the English in Maine and Anjou refuse to move peacefully?

It is quite some time before Margaret arrives in England and marries Henry properly.  Much to the chagrin of Derry, Margaret wants to be involved in the reading of the documents that Henry has been signing.  Meantime the English in Maine have decided to fight the French army that has already forced the English out of Anjou despite the truce.

Angered at the broken truce, Charles advances his French army into Normandy.  York has been sent to Ireland, so the defence of Normandy rests in the hands of Suffolk.    Suffolk doesn't have sufficient numbers of troops to defend Normandy because Henry needs troops to keep the peace at home.

With rebels on the outskirts of London, Margaret agrees that the ailing King should be sent to his castle at Kenilworth, however, she plans to stay and face the rebels.  Although she survives the rebels, will she, her sick husband and unborn child, and England survive the machinations of Richard of York?

Once again, author Conn Iggulden has written a brilliant historical novel.  It is well researched and presented.  As a fan of historical novels, I found the book hard to put down.  I'm looking forward to the sequel.

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