Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Murder Road

Newly promoted DI Ben Cooper has been called out to where a lorry has become lodged under a bridge.  DC Carol Villiers shows him the inside of the cab, which has a large amount of blood in it, but the driver is missing. Booth the retirement of Gavin Murfin, Ben had been hoping that Carol would be appointed his new DS, but he is surprised when DS Devdan Sharma appears at the scene to help out.

The community beyond the bridge is now completely blocked off because there is only the one road to it.  Ben is surprised to find that it isn't a close knit community, rather the members seem to be at odds with one another.

The following day, searchers find the body of the trucker hastily hidden underneath some rocks and bales.  Shortly afterwards, DC Becky Hurst calls Ben about an apparent suicide.  However, she feels that it might be related to the murder of the trucker.  Only by researching into the death of the suicide's wife is Ben's team able to find a connection.

Stumped, Ben turns to his former nemesis, DS Diane Fry.  She had always helped him to think things through.  Would her insight help?

Author Stephen Booth's mystery is actually two mysteries tied together, but it takes DI Ben Cooper some time to make the connection and unravel them.  Booth also comes up with a surprising twist at the end.  A good read.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Treacherous Net

The bodies of two teenage girls have been found in the vicinity of Goteberg and DI Irene Huss, and DI Jonny Blom have been tasked with the investigation.  However, at the same time a call of a body at a building under demolition takes Huss and DCI Tommy Persson to that task.  It appears that the body of a man has been sealed in behind a chimney and become mummified.

Examination of one of the victim's computer reveals that she had been groomed by someone claiming to be a boy only a few years older than her.  Before long she had succumbed to his request for a nude picture of her.  Huss feels that this person could be grooming several young girls at the same time.  Are there other girls who have been raped, but not come forward because they are afraid?

Because of the heavy caseload, Huss' superintendent passes the mummy case on to the Cold Case Team.  Jens, in IT, discovers that the person doing the grooming has been in contact with a few other young girls.  He has been using a different name in each case.  Just before Huss is to go on vacation, the predator strikes again.  Fortunately an older sister had stepped in to prevent him from getting the girl.  Huss persuades the young girl, who is the only one to have seen him to provide a description.

When Asa Nystrom is brought onto the team, she and Huss hit it off immediately.  It isn't long before Nystrom has set the bait for the killer.  However, will the bait work, or will another girl end up being attacked?

Author Helene Tursten has written a brilliant thriller that brings to light threats of the modern age with internet activity.  In the background to the main story is how the cold case team solves the mummy case.  This is a real good read, a pager turner, which is hard to put down.

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Eagle's Prey

Centurions Cato and Macro are part of the Third Cohort, which has been tasked with blocking one of the fords, which lies between Caratacus and General Plautius.  The Roman army intends to end the rebellion for once and all.  En route to the Ford, the cohort comes across a fort, which has been decimated by a British force.  Maximus, the cohort leader, vows vengeance and leaves Macro to hold the ford while he and the rest of the cohort give chase.

Unfortunately for Macro, Caratacus and his army show up at the ford before Maximus and the rest of the cohort.  Will his simple defensive system in the river be enough to hold back the massive army?  Despite arriving late, the remainder of the cohort is unable to stop the massive British army.  Vespasian is naturally enraged.  Who will suffer the consequences?

General Plautius decides to hold an inquiry into how his plan failed.   Each of the centurions of the Third Cohort will be questioned.  Will each slough the blame off on another?  Will Macro be blamed because he was the first centurion to fight Caratacus?   In order to save his own skin, what will Plautius do?  He orders a decimation of the Third Cohort.  Cato is chosen as one to be decimated.

Macro and Cato's optio, Figulus, set a plan in motion to free Cato and the others, but where will they go?  Cato and the men escape to a nearby marsh that also conceals Caratacus.  This gives Vespasian an opportunity to save further decimation of his legion.  He sends Maximus' cohort off to take control of the area the escapees have gone to.  It isn't long before Maximus' brutality towards the native population shows.

Now, both Cato and Macro find themselves in a pretty mess.  Is it possible for each of them to extract themselves, and save the situation or are they doomed?

Author Simon Scarrow has once again written an exciting historical novel.  The complexities of life for the Roman army and the battle scenes are well described.  Well worth the read.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Devil's Seal

Gorman, leader of the king's bodyguards, and two of his men, Enda and Dego, have come across the bodies of four men alongside the River Siur.  Two of the victims are monks.  Surprisingly one of monks is alive.

Meanwhile, back in Cashel, Eadulf has been summoned to the presence of Colgu.  He and his spiritual adviser want to know why a religious delegation is being thrust upon them by Rome and Canterbury.  When Eadulf goes to the chapel to speak to the religious envoy from his homeland, he finds the man has been murdered.

It turns out that the survivor of the attack on the Siur is Eadulf's younger brother, Egric.  Concerned over the death of the envoy, Fidelma and Eadulf begin an investigation.  They discover that the brother of the pope is going to be visiting Cashel shortly.  Could his visit be the reason for the killing?

A potential witness is murdered in the castle despite being under guard, and later an attempt is made on the lives of Fidelma and Eadulf.  What is the plan of the killer?

When the delegation arrives, they claim that they are there to discuss the possibility of the Archbishop of Canterbury overseeing the religious life of the island or possibly one of their own bishops doing that.  Fidelma is sure that this is not the reason that they are in Cashel.

How many more deaths must occur before Fidelma will be able to solve this mystery?  Author Peter Tremayne has written an intriguing mystery that isn't revealed until the closing pages of this novel.  A good read, a real page turner, with several surprises and which leaves the reader guessing right up to the end.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Death Surge

DI Andy Horton is sailing his yacht when he receives a distressing phone call from DS Barney Cantelli that his nephew, Johnnie, is missing.  Horton immediately turns his yacht back to port to begin searching for the man.

Europol agent Harriet Eames offers Horton help, but he is unsure as to whether he can trust her.  He feels that she is withholding information, despite providing him with some potential leads.

When a body is found, badly burned in a tunnel, Horton wonders if it is the missing man.  The evidence points to this being a murder.  Horton is shocked the next morning when the big guns are in attendance at the meeting.  They tell him and his team that Johnnie could be part of a jewelry heist team, which they had been investigating for some time.

As the team gets further into their investigation, it appears that there is a connection to Johnnie's old teenage gang.  One of the former gang is dead and two others have also suddenly disappeared.

Horton will solve the jewelry heist scheme, but that wasn't his intention.  He still needs to find Johnnie before he too, becomes a fatality.  Author Pauline Rowson has written a fast paced, action filled thriller that is hard to put down.  An excellent read.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Treachery at Lancaster Gate

An explosion in a house has killed two policemen and injured several others.  Thomas Pitt of the Special Branch isn't sure if it is one of the revolutionary groups in London or someone else involved.  Later, the wife of Pitt's former superior gives him the name of a young man who has something against the police.  Pitt feels obligated to check him out.

Shortly after that, Pitt is warned off him by his brother-in-law, who is a member of parliament.  Pitt's former DS and now inspector, Samuel Tellman feels that it is anarchists involved in the explosion and not something to do with his police force.  When he sets out to find out for sure, he finds signs of corruption.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, there is another bombing in the same area as the first.  Fortunately this time, the house was empty.  Pitt has a suspect in mind, but is unable to act on it just yet.  Meanwhile, Tellman has found more evidence of corruption amongst the police.  He stands up to threats because of his investigations.

Pitt is now sure that the bombings and the police corruption are tied together, but how will he be able to prove it?  It isn't until the case is in court that Pitt is able to present what he knows.

Author Anne Perry has written an interesting mystery based on conflicts of the late 19th century.  A good read.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Chessmen

Fin Macleod and his friend Whistler Macaskill are shocked to discover that a loch they had seen the night before had completely drained.  At the bottom they see a plane and upon looking inside discover a corpse of a friend who has been missing for 17 years.  Fin realises immediately that he is looking at a crime scene.

DS George Gunn and Professor Wilson agree that the pilot was the victim of murder.  How do you go about solving a 17 year old murder?  Fin is sure that Whistler knows something.  The police are brought in from the mainland to begin the investigation.

It is shortly after this that Fin finds Whistler badly beaten inside his home.  Just as Fin is about to check on his friend, he too, is attacked.  The police arrest Fin under suspicion of murdering Whistler.  Fortunately there is no evidence to hold him.

Author Peter May intersperses his story with flashbacks, which help to fill in the reasons for the murder of his friend.  As he builds up to the conclusion, May offers a few shocks.  It is a well written story, well worth the read.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

I Am Your Judge

Pia Kirchoff has her bags packed for her vacation with her new husband, Christoph, when she receives a phone call from her superior, Oliver von Bodenstein asking her to supervise the body of an older woman who has been found shot to death.  Unfortunately the team is down a few members due to the flu.

Twenty-four hours before her flight is supposed to depart, Kirchoff is once again called out to a shooting because Bodenstein is unavailable.  Once again, the victim is an older woman.  As in the previous killing, the shooter has had a good hiding place and took the cartridge with him.  Both killings were well planned.

At that point, Kirchoff decides to cancel her vacation and stay back to help with the investigation.  At the same time, Bodenstein's superior decides to bring in a profiler, which does not go over very well with the team.  Later, the police stations nearest the murders receive anonymous obituaries in the mail for the victims.  This is concerning because the names of the victims had not been released.

A third victim turns up on Christmas morning.  However, this case is a bit different; the victim is a young male, and it was a shot to the heart and not the head this time.  Kirchoff's sister, Kim, is a prison psychologist and has a different view of the killer than the profiler does.

As the investigation continues, connections between the victims are found.  A possible perpetrator is considered, but when Bodenstein and Kirchoff go to speak to him, he is not available.  Later, when he is brought in, Kirchoff isn't sure that they have the sniper.

Soon, the investigation takes on a different aspect as new facts come to light.  But, more deaths pile up.  Can they stop the sniper before he kills more?

Throughout this thriller, author Nele Neuhaus keeps the action fast paced.  The reader is left guessing as to what will happen next.  I had difficulty breaking away from the book.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.