Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Chessmen

Fin Macleod and his friend Whistler Macaskill are shocked to discover that a loch they had seen the night before had completely drained.  At the bottom they see a plane and upon looking inside discover a corpse of a friend who has been missing for 17 years.  Fin realises immediately that he is looking at a crime scene.

DS George Gunn and Professor Wilson agree that the pilot was the victim of murder.  How do you go about solving a 17 year old murder?  Fin is sure that Whistler knows something.  The police are brought in from the mainland to begin the investigation.

It is shortly after this that Fin finds Whistler badly beaten inside his home.  Just as Fin is about to check on his friend, he too, is attacked.  The police arrest Fin under suspicion of murdering Whistler.  Fortunately there is no evidence to hold him.

Author Peter May intersperses his story with flashbacks, which help to fill in the reasons for the murder of his friend.  As he builds up to the conclusion, May offers a few shocks.  It is a well written story, well worth the read.

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