Monday, July 11, 2016

Treachery at Lancaster Gate

An explosion in a house has killed two policemen and injured several others.  Thomas Pitt of the Special Branch isn't sure if it is one of the revolutionary groups in London or someone else involved.  Later, the wife of Pitt's former superior gives him the name of a young man who has something against the police.  Pitt feels obligated to check him out.

Shortly after that, Pitt is warned off him by his brother-in-law, who is a member of parliament.  Pitt's former DS and now inspector, Samuel Tellman feels that it is anarchists involved in the explosion and not something to do with his police force.  When he sets out to find out for sure, he finds signs of corruption.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, there is another bombing in the same area as the first.  Fortunately this time, the house was empty.  Pitt has a suspect in mind, but is unable to act on it just yet.  Meanwhile, Tellman has found more evidence of corruption amongst the police.  He stands up to threats because of his investigations.

Pitt is now sure that the bombings and the police corruption are tied together, but how will he be able to prove it?  It isn't until the case is in court that Pitt is able to present what he knows.

Author Anne Perry has written an interesting mystery based on conflicts of the late 19th century.  A good read.

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