Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Outcast Dead

Ruth Galloway has an interesting archeological discovery on her hands.  A body outside the castle in Norwich might be a famous murderess of children who was executed quite some time ago.  Meanwhile her friend, DCI Harry Nelson is investigating a modern potential child killer.  His friend, Cathbad, calls to tell him that Nelson's suspect is innocent and to warn him of convicting her.

When fibres are found in the mouth of the baby, suggesting the child had been suffocated, Nelson has the mother brought in for questioning.  The ex-husband comes in voluntarily.

Ruth is shocked when historian Frank Barker tells her that the murderess she is investigating, wore a silver medallion, because she found just such a medallion at the dig.

Nelson is surprised when the ex-husband, who is now a suspect, turns up in Ruth's house.  Naturally he expresses his innocence.  A short time later, Nelson's team is out into turmoil when a child is abducted from its home.  Fortunately the child is found safe and sound some time later, but who was the perpetrator?  The following morning the son of one of Nelson's team is taken by a woman with short hair from the babysitter.  She had presented a note to the babysitter making things appear real.

As the pages turn, the reader can't help but feel frantic.  The loss of a child is devastating, and author Elly Griffths makes the reader feel closely connected.  Possible suspects are presented, but the real one isn't revealed until late.  An intensely good read.

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