Friday, August 5, 2016

The She Wolf

No one has ever escaped the Tower of London, no one that is until Roger Mortimer manages to in 1323.  Having made his way to France, Mortimer is offered the opportunity to participate in a crusade being organised by the Count of Valois.  However, Mortimer had to play the waiting game.  The crusade was put on the back burner when a scheme to engage the English in a war was proposed.  Mortimer finds himself in a war against his own country.  A successful siege by the French results in the Duke of Kent, brother to King Edward, becoming a French hostage.

Pope John XXII is prepared to lay down rules of a truce between France and England.  He feels that Queen Isabella should come from England to broker the deal.  He is also no longer in favour of a crusade.  Upon arrival in Paris, Isabella asks for King Charles' protection.  She has no plans to return to England until the Dispensers are removed from power.  She begins a liaison with Mortimer.

Edward becomes angry when his wife and son refuse to return to England.  Soon King Charles decides to send her home, however Robert of Artois warns her and Mortimer.  A short time later, Isabella, her son Edward and Mortimer invade England with a small force.  Will they be able to overthrow the king and the Dispensers?

Author Maurice Druon continues well researched his historic novels with this one.  It is a very good read, especially for fans of historical fiction.

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