Saturday, September 24, 2016

Love You Dead

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace has spent some time recovering from a shooting incident.  He is still after the man who shot him in the leg and escaped.  It appears that the French police have caught him, so he sends DI Glenn Branson to bring him back, providing the French will extradite him.

Shortly after that he gets a call from the United States asking for information on a woman, who may be mixed up in a Russian mafia killing.  She may have stolen thousands of dollars from a courier.  The American police are very interested in her, and she has given a Brighton address as her home.  One point of interest about the woman is that both her husband and recent fiancĂ© died under unusual circumstances.  It also appears that the woman has disappeared upon returning to the UK.

Now back at work, Grace finds an unusual suspicious death case on his plate.  A petty criminal has been killed by a snake.  How could this have happened?  He puts together his investigative team.  He is surprised when a bit later an older man from Brighton dies on a cruise ship after it had docked at Mumbai.  The thing is, he died from the same snake venom the petty criminal had.  What are the odds of that?  More information that comes in points to a young woman who has married a few times, after which the husband shortly dies.  Does the team have a black widow on their hands?

Author Peter James' murder mystery is full of action and surprises.  It was a very good read.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Physician

London, 1021 and nine year old Rob J. Cole's mother has passed away following a difficult childbirth.  Not long after that his father succumbs also after catching a fever while working in wet cold conditions. The Carpenter's Guild distributed the family's goods and children amongst themselves, but not Rob.  He was left alone for five cold days before a barber-surgeon shows up at the door and offers Rob an apprenticeship.

Nathan Croft had been an orphan like Rob, so he had an understanding of what Rob was going through.  Nathan's master, to whom he had been apprenticed to, had been murdered by a mob after being accused of being a witch.  He now simply called himself Barber, despite having learned many skills as a surgeon.  Barber not only provided surgery skills, but he also entertained the crowds and sold a medicine as they travelled the countryside. Neither time, Rob learns the entertainment side of the business, and then he begins to lead the medical side.

In Hereford, Rob gets the feeling that one of their patients is about to die.  He had had the same feeling when his parents were on the edge of death.  Barber quickly gets them out of Hereford because he doesn't want them accused of witchcraft.  By the age of 15, Rob is a big boy and has learned the trade well enough to earn a salary from Barber.

Shortly after Rob had turned 19, Barber suddenly died.  Rob inherited all of his possessions.  Rob decides that he would like to become a physician.  Unable to convince the best Jewish physicians to take him on, he decides to pretend to be a Jew and travel to Persia to learn at the feet of the best.  Travelling through France and Germany, Rob has a guide and translator, but as he enters Bohemia, he is on his own again.  Fortunately he is able to join a caravan later. The caravan includes a group of Jews, one of them agrees to teach Rob Parsi, the language of the Persians.  During the winter Rob begins to learn the ways of the Jews.  Once he arrives in Constantinople, he turns himself into a Jew, but promises not to forsake Jesus.

Rob's trials and tribulations don't end when he gets to his destination.  However, luck does swing his way and he wins his way into the school through the intervention of the Shah.  At the school Rob learns many aspects of being a physician, but he wants more.  He wants to be able to see inside the body, but that is not allowed, much to his chagrin.  Rob's studies are hard, but he does successfully become a physician.

However, would he ever return to his homeland?   During his training he had made good friends, and married.  Why would he want to return now?

Right from the opening sentence, author Noah Gordon had my attention.  I knew that I was in for a good read.  I found myself totally engrossed in this book, unable to put it down.  Fans of historical novels will undoubtedly enjoy the read.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fatal Catch

It is a couple of weeks before Christmas and DI Andy Horton has been called down to the quay where a couple of fishermen have caught a plastic container with a severed hand inside.

The following day, the hand is identified through fingerprints to having belonged to a petty criminal.  Meanwhile the team is also on the lookout for a criminal who had failed to turn up for his court appearance.  Are the two cases connected?  And why has one of the fishermen gone missing?

Back at the office, Horton is informed that the victim was an informer, and the National Crime Agency is taking over the case.  Horton and his team can't believe the victim was an informer.

The next morning Horton is informed that the body of one of the fishermen has been found on his boat.  He appears to have died of natural causes.  While following up on the activities of the victim, Horton finds out about a death, which had happened in the area.  It seemed like a tragic accident, but pathologist, Gaye Clayton, does a post-mortem, which shows that the man had been murdered.  Is there a connection to the original victim?

The National Crime Agency team figures that they have the crimes all sewn up, but Horton doesn't accept it, despite being told to back off.

Author Pauline Rowson's murder mystery is fast paced and a great read.  It is hard to put down, and I'm hoping for a sequel.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Shallow Waters

The body of a young girl has been found in an alleyway on a cold October night.  DI Hannah Robbins and her team have been tasked with the investigation.  They start by visiting the known sex offenders in the city, but come up with nothing.  DNA matches to a 15 year old girl from Norwich, which is 120 miles away.

Robbins arranges for one of her team to liaise with the investigating team in Norwich. Meantime the team continues to check alibis of the sex offenders.  However, shortly afterwards the body of another young girl is found in similar circumstances.  This time the identity of the girl is determined quickly because the mother had gone to the paper upon hearing that a child had been found.  She claims that the police ignore her because she comes from a poor part of the town.  The reporter sent to the scene is Robbins boyfriend.

Just after visiting the mother of the newest victim, her house explodes.  Robbins and one of her DCs are outside in their car at the time and are injured.   Was it a gas explosion or had the mother been targeted?  As a result of the injuries sustained, Robbins is pulled from the investigation.  Fortunately she is able to convince her senior officer that she is still capable.

DNA evidence found on the body of the first victim points to the boyfriend of the mother of the second victim.  Now to track him down.  Once they have him in custody, his computer provides further evidence against him.  However, the computer forensic investigator discovers that there is another girl out there, imprisoned.  Can they get the perpetrator to provide them with the information as to where she is?  And can they get to her before she becomes the next victim?

Author Rebecca Bradley's story is a page turner, and shocking in its content.  The author is a retired police detective, so her knowledge of procedure is evident in the writing.  I found this book engrossing and hard to put down.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Eagle's Prophecy

Centurions Marco and Cato have returned home to Rome, but have not been reassigned to any legion as yet.  They are running out of money, and hope that Cato's connection at the palace might find them a legion.  The pair are shocked one morning when Praetorian Guards crash into their little flat with swords drawn and escort them off to Narcissus.  They are expecting to be executed.

Narcissus doesn't execute them, rather he sends them on a secret and dangerous mission to recover three scrolls and a secret agent of Narcissus'.  At the same time, the pair meet their old nemesis, Tribune Vitellius.  Vitellius is to be in charge of their mission against pirates, and the pair were now part of the marines, much to the chagrin of Macro.

In Ravenna, a fleet is prepared under the orders of Vitellius.  Shortly after setting sail, and heavily loaded down, they encounter the pirate fleet.  After a destructive battle, Cato is sent back to Ravenna for reinforcements.  While in Ravenna, Cato tries to determine who might be passing information about the navy to the pirates.  It appears to be a conspiracy, but who is behind it?  He is unable to find anything out before he has to return with the reinforcements.

Before long, the fleet finds it has a new commander when the emperor sends Vespasian to take over command.  It is his intention to take the battle to the pirates.  He sends Cato and Macro overland to reconnoitre the pirate base.  Will Vespasian's plans be successful or will a traitor in their midst cause the plans to collapse?

Author Simon Scarrow's novel of Roman naval action is full from start to finish with rollicking fights and battles.  The fan of historical novels will thoroughly enjoy the read.  I found it hard to put down.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Second Death

Eadulf and one of the king's bodyguards, Aidan, are returning to Cashel when they come across a group of wagons.  The last has just had a fire put out on it.  The driver, a young woman, has died as a result of the flames, and inside the wagon, Eadulf finds the body of a decomposing man.  They proceed on to Cashel to begin the investigation.

The following morning, Brother Conchobhar, the court physician, informs Fidelma that the woman had been poisoned.  The corpse that was inside the wagon also appears to have been poisoned.

Fidelma discovers a brand on the oxen indicating that they belong to a prince one doesn't want to cross.  She decides to search where the wagon came from.  In doing so with Eadulf, and two bodyguards, they enter a marshland.  Through his own curiosity, Eadulf becomes separated from the group.  Eadulf finds himself on a very dangerous adventure.

Meanwhile, Fidelma and her two bodyguards, Aidan and Enda find themselves in a bit of a stew.  Will either survive their ordeals?  Author Peter Tremayne has woven a plot full of twists and turns leaving the reader turning pages to find out what happens next.  A very good historical murder mystery, which is hard to put down.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Ghost Fields

A digger has uncovered a plane in a field.  The pilot is still inside, so DCI Nelson calls his forensic archeologist, Ruth Galloway to have a look.  She notices that the pilot has a bullet hole in his head when so looks through the windscreen.  This is definitely a crime scene.  With the aid of the American Air Force, the body is identified.  He appears to be related to a local family.

The strange thing is that the pilot of this particular plane had ejected before the plane crashed and the body was supposedly someone who had gone down in a B17 at sea during the war.  The body is the brother to a man whose family owned the land where the plane was found.  Now, the daughter of the dead man wants to come from America.

Nelson requests Ruth to help him with the investigation.  They discover a recently turned over plot in the family's pet cemetery.  Could this be where the body had been?  Ruth does a bit of her own amateur sleuthing, but what can she turn up?

After the funeral of the dead man, his great-niece is attacked outside the family home.  Fortunately the blow to her head is not overly serious.  The following day, her brother finds human remains in one of his pig pens.  Nelson wonders at the connection.  At Halloween, one of Nelson's team, DS Dave Clough, is stabbed in the chest and left for dead.  Nelson is sure it is connect to the case they are working on, but how?

The human remains turn out to be related to the family at the centre of the investigation.  How was he killed?  Why was he killed?  Nelson is sure that the family is involved, but he has no evidence.

How will Nelson solve this murder case?  Will Ruth's forensic evidence be of any help?  Author Elly Griffths has written another fast paced action filled murder mystery that the reader will find hard to put down.  An enjoyable read.

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Lily and the Lion

Charles IV, the last of the cursed Capet kings, is dead.  In England, Edward III, at 16 is marrying the love of his life, Phillipa, who is but 14.  Isabella remains regent over these two with Mortimer at her side running the country.

France is without a male heir, so the peers of the realm must choose.  Bishop Orelton has arrived from England and proposed that Edward III is a direct male descendant and has the right to claim the throne of France!  However, Phillipe of Valois is appointed regent, and if the late king's wife delivers a girl in the next couple of months, Phillipe will become king of France.

Although Phillipe was king, it was actually Robert of Artois that did the governing.  However, Robert is not happy because he still doesn't control Artois, rather his aunt does. Big he can't get Artois by fair means, he will use foul.

Meanwhile in England, Mortimer is tightening his grip on power, much to the chagrin of parliament.  Edward III is angered when Mortimer and Isabella order the execution of his uncle without his knowledge.  Fed up with the way Mortimer is treating England, Edward orders the arrest of Mortimer.  Parliament orders his execution.

Back in France, Robert of Artois' scheming has caught up with him.  He flees France and is ostracised throughout Europe.

Robert's flight was not the beginning of the intrigue of which author Maurice Druon writes, but one of many within France and indeed internationally.  However, Robert's flight would lead to the beginning of the 100 Years War.  Well researched and written, this is a fascinating novel for fans of historical fiction.