Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Eagle's Prophecy

Centurions Marco and Cato have returned home to Rome, but have not been reassigned to any legion as yet.  They are running out of money, and hope that Cato's connection at the palace might find them a legion.  The pair are shocked one morning when Praetorian Guards crash into their little flat with swords drawn and escort them off to Narcissus.  They are expecting to be executed.

Narcissus doesn't execute them, rather he sends them on a secret and dangerous mission to recover three scrolls and a secret agent of Narcissus'.  At the same time, the pair meet their old nemesis, Tribune Vitellius.  Vitellius is to be in charge of their mission against pirates, and the pair were now part of the marines, much to the chagrin of Macro.

In Ravenna, a fleet is prepared under the orders of Vitellius.  Shortly after setting sail, and heavily loaded down, they encounter the pirate fleet.  After a destructive battle, Cato is sent back to Ravenna for reinforcements.  While in Ravenna, Cato tries to determine who might be passing information about the navy to the pirates.  It appears to be a conspiracy, but who is behind it?  He is unable to find anything out before he has to return with the reinforcements.

Before long, the fleet finds it has a new commander when the emperor sends Vespasian to take over command.  It is his intention to take the battle to the pirates.  He sends Cato and Macro overland to reconnoitre the pirate base.  Will Vespasian's plans be successful or will a traitor in their midst cause the plans to collapse?

Author Simon Scarrow's novel of Roman naval action is full from start to finish with rollicking fights and battles.  The fan of historical novels will thoroughly enjoy the read.  I found it hard to put down.

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