Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Second Death

Eadulf and one of the king's bodyguards, Aidan, are returning to Cashel when they come across a group of wagons.  The last has just had a fire put out on it.  The driver, a young woman, has died as a result of the flames, and inside the wagon, Eadulf finds the body of a decomposing man.  They proceed on to Cashel to begin the investigation.

The following morning, Brother Conchobhar, the court physician, informs Fidelma that the woman had been poisoned.  The corpse that was inside the wagon also appears to have been poisoned.

Fidelma discovers a brand on the oxen indicating that they belong to a prince one doesn't want to cross.  She decides to search where the wagon came from.  In doing so with Eadulf, and two bodyguards, they enter a marshland.  Through his own curiosity, Eadulf becomes separated from the group.  Eadulf finds himself on a very dangerous adventure.

Meanwhile, Fidelma and her two bodyguards, Aidan and Enda find themselves in a bit of a stew.  Will either survive their ordeals?  Author Peter Tremayne has woven a plot full of twists and turns leaving the reader turning pages to find out what happens next.  A very good historical murder mystery, which is hard to put down.

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