Sunday, March 19, 2017


Centurion Macro and Prefect Cato are stuck in Ostia, under the order of Narcissus.  No one in Italy is to know that they are there.  A plot to harm the emperor has been uncovered.  Narcissus has discovered that members of the Praetorian Guard are involved.  He orders Macro and Cato to join the Praetorians as mere soldiers back from Britannia and search out the conspirators.

Having been in a place of power, Cato finds it hard to take orders now.  Macro seems more serene about it.  Life as a Praetorian is going to be different compared to life in the legions.  An attack by the mob on the emperor and his retinue show the loyalty of Macro and Cato when they protect Nero and Britannicus, stepson and son of the emperor.  Later, because of this action, the pair are offered the opportunity to join the conspirators.  However, will they be able to outfox the man sent to spy on them?

Cato accidentally discovers that the conspiracy Narcissus had discovered is more extensive than he had thought.  Now, what if they are discovered and compromised?  It isn't long after this that Cato comes to the conclusion that there is more than one conspiracy at play.  Macro is sure that Cato is seeing conspirators at every turning.

The pair are going to have to get down and dirty if they are going to solve the conspiracies before the emperor and his family are assassinated.  Author Simon Scarrow has plenty more action ahead for these two Roman soldiers before this historical novel draws a to a close.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, which leaves me wanting to pick up the next in the series.

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