Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Blood Crows

Centurion Macro and Prefect Cato have returned to Britannia to take up new assignments.  Macro's mother has tagged along with plans to open an inn in Londonium.  The first task the pair will have is to join Governor Ostorius in a meeting with leaders of the tribes.  The hope is that during the meeting, Ostorius can convince them to stop fighting against Rome.  The alternative is to be destroyed by Rome.

One of the leaders they are to meet with is King Prasutagus.  His queen is Boudica.  She wonders about the value of peace that Rome wants to impose upon the tribes of Britannia.  Can the leaders meet congenially and agree to peace?  Some feel that they can, others not.  What will the strongest of the leaders, Caratacus, say?  It appears that he only offers war; war to the bitter end.

Ostorius plans on a total war.  Resistance means killing the men, women and children will be sold into slavery.  Before getting to their posting, Cato and Macro learn that the contingent they will be with are known as the "Blood Crows" because of their brutal methods.  Will the centurion in charge welcome Cato taking it over?  Quertus, the centurion in question has a reputation for brutality.

Quertus is not pleased when the pair show up to take over command of his fort.  Cato and Macro get the impression that they are going to have to watch their backs.  Cato is sure that there is a conspiracy in this Fort that extends all the way back to Rome.

All in the fort are surprised when Caratacus and his army appear at the gates of the fort. Is there any chance of escape when the Romans are outnumbered twenty to one?

Author Simon Scarrow's historical thriller is full of tension and excitement as Caratacus and the Romans face each other to the death.  Well written, and hard to put down.

Sadly due to the Province of Saskatchewan shutting down the inter-library loan programme, which was the envy of the country, it may be some time before I read the sequels.

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