Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Daughters of Gentlemen

Bayswater Academy for Young Ladies is in need of a detective to determine who had placed pamphlets in the books of the girls, which discouraged them from marrying.  Obviously only a female detective would be suitable in this case, so the board of governors turn to Frances Doughty.

Frances is surprised when she ascertains that the headmistress is not happy that she is there.  The headmistress has burned all of the pamphlets.  Frances engages the services of her friends Chas and Barstie to do a bit of snooping for her.

The following day, when Frances returns to the school, she is surprised to learn that the house maid is missing and there is a stash of £20 in a box under her bed.  Why would she go missing when that money exists, and why was the money there?  Not long after this the maid's body is discovered in the Serpentine.  Was her death accidental or something more serious?

Frances is finally able to get her hands on a copy of the pamphlet in question.  She realises that the pamphlet is directed at the school's headmistress and her late husband.   Frances' helper, Sarah discovers that the person who had it printed was a woman between the ages of 40 & 50.  She then discovers that the girls in the school actually had the pamphlets in their possession a week earlier than thought.  What is going on?

Frances' investigation leads her outside of London.  While there, a body of a man is found on property belonging to one of the governors of the school.  Is there a connection to the other murder?

Frances determines who wrote the pamphlet, but she still is left with some puzzling quandaries.  Author Linda Stratmann writes like a person working on a jigsaw puzzle.  The parts are all there, it is just left up to the heroine, Frances to put it all together.  It takes time and effort and in the end a satisfying result.  A quite enjoyable read.

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