Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Among the Mad

It is Christmas Eve, 1931 and while walking on a street in London, Maisie Dobbs is witness to a man committing suicide using a hand grenade.  Concussed by the explosion, Maisie takes the train down to visit her father in Chelstone.  However on Boxing Day DI Jack Stratton comes down to pick her up.  A threatening letter has been received in which the writer uses her name.  She finds herself helping the Special Branch in the investigation.

The following day six dogs in a kennel are found dead with symptoms that point to them having been poisoned with chlorine gas.  Is this what is being threatened upon a wider group of humans?  Which group is behind the letter?  The IRA, the unions a radical women's group or maybe Mosley's New Party?  Special Branch arrests a group, but Maisie is sure that they are not responsible.  Not long after that another deadly attack occurs.  This time a junior minister is killed with some new substance.  How far will the escalation go?

Feeling that a foundling hospital might be where the person threatening London might be from, Maisie checks the records there to no avail.  However, the senior doctor there remembers someone who she might be looking for, but unfortunately he was killed in the war.  Maisie has some doubts.  As she gains more information things fall into place, but can she stop the killer before he commits a wholesale massacre?

Although author Jacqueline Winspear has her heroine, Maisie Dobbs solve the mystery in a timely manner, Winspear keeps one tiny piece of the puzzle back and then surprises the reader with a more complex picture than the reader was anticipating.  All-in-all, a good read.

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