Friday, May 12, 2017

Dead Water

Rhona Laing, Fiscal for the Shetlands has discovered the body of a man in a boat.  Since DI Jimmy Perez is still on sick leave following the death of his fiancé, Sandy Wilson is put in charge.  He contacts the mainland and they send a woman DI to look after the investigation.  Sandy immediately recognises the victim.  He is a former journalist who made good down south.  Why would anyone want to kill him?

DI Willow Reeves arrives the following morning to take over the investigation.  Surprisingly Perez finds stirrings of curiosity and begins to ask questions on his own.  Yet at the same time, Perez feels conflicted about being involved in the investigation.  Too many painful memories from the death of his fiancé insert themselves into his mind.  Reeves is unsure about the Fiscal, feeling that she is holding something back.

Sandy determines that the journalist was looking into both the natural resources and renewable resources in the area.  The journalist had been invited to a meeting of a group opposed to a tidal power generator, but he never showed up.  A few days later Reeves discovers a body by the side of the road.  The dead man was supposed to marry in a few days the former lover of the first victim.  Coincidence?

Perez suggests that the two deaths might be related to blackmail.  Was the first victim blackmailing someone and the second victim learned about it?  When the girlfriend of the first victim shows up, a new spin is put on the investigation.  Sandy begins to feel that Perez is back to being his old self.   However, as Perez gets more involved in the investigation, DI Reeves begins to resent him.  Will their conflict prevent them from solving the case?

Author Ann Cleeves has created another page turner of a mystery.  Well written, leaving the reader a surprise at the end.  A good read.

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