Monday, March 26, 2018

The Red Coffin

Inspector Pekkala has brought in Colonel Nagorski to Lubyanka because the secrets of the T-34 have become known to the enemies of the Soviet Union.  Stalin informs Pekkala that the Germans have tried, unsuccessfully, to gain information on the T-34.

Later, when Pekkala goes to tour the facility where the T-34 is being tested, he arrives to discover that Nagorski has been crushed under one of the tanks.  It is at this time that Pekkala learns that the nickname for the tank is the “Red Coffin”.

Pekkala and his assistant, Major Kirov, discover that Nagorski has been shot in the head.  The tank was used to make it look like an accident.  A Major Lysenkova of the NKVD has been sent to the facility to investigate.  She doesn’t seem overly concerned.  Stalin is sure that the killing is an attempt to get the Soviet Union into a war that he is sure to break out shortly.  And a rogue former policeman has plans to ensure that happens before the Soviet Union is ready.  He steals  T-34 to put his plan into motion.  Can Pekkala and Kirov stop him before war breaks out?

Once again Sam Eastland has written a gripping thriller, which I found hard to put down.  An excellent read.

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