Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Salt Marsh

Sam Coyle is having a hard time getting over her father’s death.  Is someone listening in on her conversations with her therapist ?  Why would somebody leave a message of whistling the Third Man theme on her phone?

Later she talks to her father’s friend, Harry, who tells her that she might be on a list of possible terrorists.  She can’t understand why.  She also receives a strange phone call from somebody telling her to trust no one.  Her boyfriend has disappeared and now suddenly her roommate seems to have committed suicide; only Sam knows that he would not have done that.

Then she is offered help by a man she knows is an assassin, because he had saved her life earlier.  Later she discovers that a cop is after her, and that he has a hatred for her father.  Who can she trust?

Author Clare Carson’s second novel pulls the reader in numerous directions.  Like Sam, the reader doesn’t know who to trust or where the story is going.  It comes to an interesting conclusion.  Fast paced, a good read.

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