Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Copy Cat

Sarah Havenant has just discovered that someone has created a Facebook account of her, with recent pictures, all of which were captioned very accurately.  Who would do such a thing?  It doesn’t take long for Sarah to realise that she is being watched.  Then the account suddenly disappears.

The next step in the campaign against Sarah were emails to one of her friends from a fake email account.  Sarah is becoming very frightened.  Could this online threat become a real physical threat?  The tormenting gets gradually worse.

Does Sarah have a split personality as her husband suggests?  She is sure that’s not the case.  Sarah has her suspicions as to who is after her, but how to prove it?

Alex Lake’s thriller starts off slowly, but becomes intense and gripping.  I found it hard to put down; a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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