Saturday, April 7, 2018


Hugh Legat has been called back to No 10 from his anniversary lunch with his wife.  It appears that Hitler is on the move.  Sudetenland is to be his before the Czech government can hand it over peacefully.  Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain relies on Legat to record his meetings and go over his speeches.

For some reason, Legat receives a letter that outlines Hitler’s invasion plans for Czechoslovakia.  Why would a junior statesman receive something like that?

In Berlin, Paul von Hartmann makes a copy of the letter, which Hitler has written in response to Chamberlain’s speech regarding the impending invasion of Czechoslovakia.  Hartmann is also part of a group planning a coup.

Back in London, Chamberlain sends letters to Hitler and Mussolini stating that he is willing to meet in order to avoid war.  Hitler invites Chamberlain, Mussolini and Daldier, Prime Minister of France to meet with him in Munich.  Secret arrangements are made for both Legat and Hartmann to attend the meeting.  Can they get secret information to Chamberlain before a deal is signed?

Author Robert Harris covers the negotiations that led to the Munich Agreement in this spy thriller.  It is four short days of intense negotiations and back room dealings with lower level ministry men being the main protagonists; fictitious men worked in with real historical figures.  A very good, fast paced read; hard to put down.

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