Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Dark Clouds Shining

Former spy Jack McColl has just been sentenced to three years in jail for assaulting a police officer.  A few months later, his old boss, the chief of the Secret Service, Mansfield Cummings, offers him a pardon if he agrees to return to Russia to find out what his old nemesis, Aiden Bradley, is doing there for MI5.  McColl also wants to know if his former lover, Caitlin Hanley, is still there.

It isn’t long before the Cheka are on McColl’s tail.  As he was entering Russia, he and his Russian host killed a Cheka agent and injured another.  Fortunately he is provided with a new identity, and a job as a translator for a delegation from India. 

Suddenly McColl finds himself on the way to Tashkent with Komarov, deputy head of the Cheka and his former lover, Caitlin.  How will he get out of this entanglement?  The way the train makes progress, it is going to be a long trip.  Shortly after leaving Tashkent, McColl comes to the realisation that the Cheka know that he is a spy.

Will McColl come out of this alive, or will his plans be thwarted by Caitlin or Komarov?  Author David Downing’s thriller is just that, a thriller, full of action and suspense.  This book brings the Jack McColl series to a conclusion.  It was a very good series.

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