Thursday, September 13, 2018

War at the Edge of the World

War at the Edge of the World by Ian Ross

Centurion Aurelius Castus has recently been promoted and transferred to Eboracum.  Called before the governor, Arpagius, he is informed that there will soon be changes amongst the Caesars.  He is shocked and doesn’t know what to think.  Later, he and his small century are ordered to serve as an honour guard for a dignitary attending a meeting of Picts north of Hadrian’s Wall.

The envoy they are to guard is Aelius Marcellinus, a former officer who had dealt with the Picts in the past.  Along with them is a secretary by the name of Strabo.  Just before they are to cross the wall, Castus and Marcellinus discover that Strabo is an agent of the emperor, and also a member of the secret cult of Christians.

They arrive at their destination just as the Picts are about to vote for their new leader.  Things go awry shortly after their arrival and Castus’ troops are surrounded.  After a couple of brief battles, Castus submits to giving himself up so that his remaining troops can go free.

Strabo is killed by the Picts and Marcellinus takes his own life using poison, however before doing that he asks Castus to take a message back to his wife and daughter.  Castus is fortunate to escape and on the way to Eboracum Dave Marcellina, daughter of Marcellinus from a band of roving brigands.  His troubles don’t end when they get to Eboracum, though.

Author Ian Ross has lots of action awaiting Castus as the Romans set out to wreak vengeance on the Picts.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable and exciting read, leaving me wanting to get my hands on the sequels.

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