Sunday, March 31, 2019

Vespasian ~ Tribune of Rome

Vespasian has grown up on a farm, and enjoys the lifestyle.  He doesn’t want to become a soldier like his older brother, Sabinus.  However, their father has declared that Sabinus is to learn how to manage the farm from Vespasian while the latter teaches him how to be a soldier.

Competitive as boys, the pair soon learn from each other and a mutual respect develops.  Early in the new year, the family moves to Rome in order for Sabinus and Vespasian to be introduced into Roman society.  Vespasian is overwhelmed by the huge city and its crowds.  It is hoped that his Uncle Gaius will make the necessary introductions.

At the races, Vespasian spots a beautiful slave girl who belongs to Antonia, sister-in-law to Emperor Tiberius.  Her name is Caenis.  Gaius and his nephews are surprised when Antonia invites them to a meal.  There they meet with Asinius and learn of plots to overthrow Tiberius.  Gaius is given a job in the treasury while Vespasian will be sent east to spy in the hopes of gathering information, which will help protect Tiberius.

Getting out of Rome isn’t going to be as easy as getting into it had been.  There are soldiers looking for Vespasian.  A thug, who serves Antonia offers to be Vespasian’s freedman while he is in the army.  Before long, the pair are off to war in the east.

Author Robert Fabbri has plenty of adventures awaiting Vespasian and his new friend Magnus to the east of Rome.  Treachery and violent death seem to be commonplace.  This was a thoroughly rousing and epic read.  I found it hard to put down, and can’t wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A Question of Identity

DCI Simon Serrailler has had a relaxing holiday in Norfolk with his nephew Sam, but shortly after their return home Serrailler has been called out to a home where an elderly woman has been found strangled to death.  It appears to be a killing for the sake of killing.

The team turns to HOLMES in search of any similar type of killings in the past.  Also, the electrician who had recently visited the victim’s house seems to have disappeared.  However, when they do find him, they are sure that they have their culprit.  The problem is, they don’t.  He strikes again.  Once again another elderly woman in the same complex as earlier.

When Serrailler’s former DS, Nathan Coates, who is now a DCI in Yorkshire, calls him about a similar case, Serrailler’s ears perk up.  The killer had gone to trial, but got off on a technicality.  He had then been given a new identity.  His whereabouts is unknown.

How will it be possible to find their killer if he has an new identity and the old one no longer exists?  How many more deaths will occur before or if they get their man?  Author Susan Hill has plenty of work ahead for Serrailler’s team.  The question is, how do you catch a killer?  A very good read for fans of murder mysteries.

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Blood Pit

DCI Gerry Heffernan and DI Wesley Peterson have been called to the site of a murder.  A man has been drained of all his blood in his home.  Two small entry wounds have been discovered on his neck.  How could he have allowed this to happen?

Surprisingly, at the same time Peterson’s friend, Dr. Neil Watson, an archaeologist, has received what appears to be a threatening letter that also discusses blood letting.

On the night of the Peterson’s anniversary, his mother-in-law was supposed to babysit, but she begged off, ruining the couple’s plans.  That same evening Peterson and Heffernan are called out to where a skeleton has been discovered.  The pathologist says that it had been there quite some time.

The following morning the pair are called out to another murder scene, which matches the first.  However, there seems to be nothing to connect the pair.  When the investigation is expanded to check for other similar cases, the Cheshire police inform them that they had had one, which they had suspected to be suicide, but would now share their info and review their own case in light of these two.

Up in Chester, Heffernan and Peterson discover that all three victims had been at the same school at the same time.  The day after Heffernan and Peterson speak to one of the teachers at the school, he is found dead.  The pathologist suspects poison.  Peterson also finds a suspicious email on the victim’s computer.

Can the Spider, as the press is calling the killer, be captured before he strikes again?  Author Kate Ellis has plenty of detective work remaining for Heffernan and Peterson before they can close the case.  She also provides the reader with a couple of surprises before the end.  A good, quick read.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Mountain of Gold

Captain Matthew Quinton now commands the Wessex in the Mediterranean where his ship has just captured a Algerian corsair.  The captain turns out to be an Irishman, one Brian Doyle O’Dwyer.  But that will not save his neck from being stretched from a yardarm.  However, his story of a mountain of gold in Africa is tempting.

The governor of Tangier orders Quinton to take O’Dwyer to King Charles post haste.  It isn’t long before Quinton is ordered by the king to take the newly appointed Lieutenant-Colonel O’Dwyer to Africa to find the mountain of gold.  Before he is to leave a betrothal party is held at Ravensden for his brother.  It is here that Quinton’s brother-in-law warns him that the mountain of gold must not be found because King Charles could then become an absolute monarch.

It was time to victual and man his new ship, the Seraph.  But, who would volunteer during a time of peace?  Fortunately, the Cornishmen from his old command, the Jupiter step forward.  At this same time Quinton receives a letter from an old friend in France, who warns of a man who wants to also discover the mountain of gold or eliminate those in England who are not Catholic.

As the Seraph started out on her maiden voyage, a ship with a skeleton crew tried to ram it, but Quinton too evasive action at the right moment.  Who was trying to scuttle the voyage before it began?  Quinton had some ideas, but foremost in his mind was to get on with the voyage to Africa.  First he divides his own quarters in two so that he can keep O’Dwyer close at hand.

Some time into the voyage the chain that operates the bilge pump appeared to be wearing out.  Had the supplier sold the navy shoddy goods, or was it a case of sabotage?  They put into Tenerife to have replacements made.  Once they have the replacements, they set sail for The Gambia.

Having arrived at that destination, Quinton is informed that they will need a couple of months to build boats to get further up river and then a three month march to the mountain of gold!  Allowing for the same time to return, Quinton will be away from England and his wife for a year!

Author J. D. Davies has adventure, exploration of Africa and treachery ahead for Captain Quinton and the crew of his ship.  Will they find the mysterious mountain of gold?  Read on dear reader, read on!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Murder Too Soon

John Blount has ordered Jack Blackjack to the palace at Woodstock to murder a woman.  With his own life in jeopardy, Jack is only too happy to get out of London.  Apparently the woman has been placed in Princess Elizabeth’s household to spy on her for Queen Mary.  The supporters of the princess will not stand for this situation.

Shortly after arriving at the palace, Jack hears a noise and goes to investigate.  He tumbles over the body of a woman.  He is shocked to discover that her throat has been a slashed and that this is the woman he was sent to kill.  A few short moments later he is cornered by a man with a knife.  He is rescued from this predicament by a woman who clubs the man over the head.

Fortunately, his innocence is proven when a maid who had been with Jack at the time of the killing attests for him.  So, who did kill her?  And why won’t Blount believe Jack that he didn’t kill her?  Jack begins his own investigation since everyone has been locked inside the palace until the coroner arrives.

Once the coroner arrives, everyone meets in the grand hall.  There, the man supposedly hosting Princess Elizabeth admits that the deceased was there to spy on the princess.  The coroner establishes that she was murdered and sets an exorbitant fine for the killing.

Jack has a number of suspects in mind, but how to prove it?  It is a very rough time for him, and he has a lot of confusing things going on all around him.  Who can he trust?

Author Michael Jecks has more trials and tribulations awaiting poor Jack Blackjack before he can solve the mysteries at Woodstock Palace.  The reader is given a twist followed by a twist in another direction before the story concludes.  A very good historical murder mystery.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

With Our Blessing

Detective Inspector Tom Reynolds and DS Ray Lennon have been called out early on a December morning to Phoenix Park in Dublin where the body of an elderly woman was discovered.  She has been nailed to a tree in a crucifixion pose with “Satan’s Whore” carved into her chest.

Reynolds immediately assembles his murder squad.  This murder is given priority over any other cases the team may have been working.  It doesn’t take long for the victim to be identified.  She was a Reverend Mother from Limerick.  The nun from the convent in Limerick, who has come to identify the body, doesn’t paint a very nice picture of the deceased.

When Lennon goes to pick up DC Laura Brennan at her home, they are both surprised by Brennan’s mother being quite bitter about the convent.  It turns out that the convent was a Magdalene Laundry!  Could it have been someone exacting revenge for how they had been treated in the past?

Reynolds takes his team to the convent to begin the investigation.  They are greeted warmly by the nuns and given accommodations so that the team can interview the nuns.  As Tom points out the following morning, the place is all honey on top and vinegar underneath.

On the third day of the investigation, the village priest is found dead.  The pathologist sees evidence that he had been injected with something.  Exploring the priest’s house brings shocking revelations to the team.  They will now need a larger team to continue their investigation.

With suspects in mind, Reynolds’ team gathers evidence.  However, he is blindsided by his Superintendent when he sends a criminal psychologist down to help.  He feels there is no need for this intrusion.  However, the psychologist provides another theory for Reynolds to mull over.

But will that theory lead to the killer?  Author Jo Spain’s murder mystery has plenty of suspects, but which one is it?  This thriller is concluded with a surprising twist.  Spain’s first novel is well done and a very good read.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Perfect Remains

DI Luc Callanach has just started with Police Scotland’s Major Investigations Team in Edinburgh.  He is trying to settle into his new office when a call comes in about a body found outside the city.  A scrap of cloth nearby points to it being a woman who has been missing for two weeks.

Callanach is sure that the victim wasn’t killed where she was found.  A bat is found nearby as is a tooth.  Both provide DNA evidence of the missing victim.

Callanach’s team has no luck and information is drying up.  A few weeks later another woman goes missing.  This one is a minister at a church.  Her phone is found near her home, and there is evidence of chloroform on it.    Witnesses have seen the kidnapper without realising it, but their input helps Callanach begin to create a picture of him.

As time goes by, similarities between the two cases begin to emerge.  But will it be enough?

Callanach has begun to establish a friendship with DI Ava Turner, and becomes concerned when a death threat to her is left outside her office.  She has been busy with her own case; babies are being left abandoned in the city.  DCI Begbie orders a full-time guard for Turner.

Turner is suspended over comments she made about the baby case.  That same evening her friend, Natasha Forge, is threatened.  Could she potentially be the next victim? 

Although a profiler has been brought in, Callanach has no faith in him.  Especially when a man is arrested and charged based on the profiler’s say so.

The whole force is shocked when the next woman abducted is Turner!  Can Callanach’s team save her before she is killed?

Wow!  Author Helen Fields’ thriller is just that!  An exciting, absolute thriller that will keep the reader completely engaged.  I can hardly wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Way of All Flesh

1847 Edinburgh, where Will Raven has just finished his training to be a doctor.  However, the night before he is to start working as an apprentice with Dr. Simpson, he is beset upon by two goons who work for a man to whom Raven owes money.  His face is slashed in the encounter.  Fortunately, Dr. Simpson takes it in stride.

The night before Raven had discovered his friend had died.  Although she was a prostitute, she was still his friend.

Working for Dr. Simpson, Raven finds the maid, Sarah Fraser, who brings him his patients to be somewhat impertinent.  In turn, she is not overly impressed by him.  She is fortunate to work for Dr. Simpson, because he so sympathetic to helping her learn more.

Raven decides to do some amateur sleuthing about his friend’s death.  He learns from a neighbour that the last person with her was a woman.  When a former maid is found dead near where Raven and Dr. Simpson are attending a patient, Raven notices that she is in the same contorted condition his friend was in.  He later learns that Sarah knew the victim.  He asks if she will help him find out more.  She will for a price.

They discover that both young women had been pregnant.  Could they have taken something to rid themselves of the baby?  Sarah learns that strychnine causes the body to contort as it did for the two young victims.  While working at the maternity hospital, Raven observes another young woman die in the same manner.  Who is providing them with this?  How can Raven and Sarah find out?

Author Ambrose Parry’s novel has intriguing insights into the medical world of the early Victorian era.  Raven and Sarah are in jeopardy as their investigation progresses.  What will the future hold for them?  Read on!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Betrayal of Trust

A massive rainfall has resulted in the bones of a young girl who had disappeared several years ago being washed clear of her burial site.  Simon Serrailler is on his way to tell the father of the missing girl that her remains have been found when he is called back to where she had been found.  Another grave has been found nearby.  In it is the body of another woman.

Simon Serrailler will have to work both cases, which could be related, or separate cases on his own as the powers that be have declared that they will not be hiring a new DCI due to budget constraints.

Fortunately, the pathologist, Gordon Lyman, has a friend who is able to generate a computer model of what the second woman might have looked like.  Will it be enough to identify her?

Serrailler has two cold cases on his hands, but he is relentless.  Author Susan Hill’s murder mystery has three other threads going on throughout, and the reader wonders what connection they have to the story, however she binds those threads neatly together leading to a surprising conclusion.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Shining Skull

The police in Tradmouth have been dealing with the strange case of a fake taxi driver who picks up unsuspecting women, and then drives them into the country where he binds them up, cuts their hair off, and then takes them to their destination otherwise unharmed.  How long will this go on before he does something more serious?

Another case that DCI Gerry Heffernan and DI Wesley Peterson have on their plate is that of a lad who was kidnapped thirty years earlier.  He has suddenly shown up on his half-brother’s doorstep.  Is he who he says he is or is he an imposter?

A few days later, Heffernan takes a call from the manager of a seventeen year old singer.  Her mother has received a phone call and a note telling her that she has been kidnapped. They are not to go to the police or her throat will be slashed.  Upon seeing the note, Peterson thinks that the paper is the same that was used in the earlier kidnapping.

When the Barber strikes again, he makes a mistake and stabs his victim.  She ends up in the hospital.  Not long after this the kidnapping victim is found floating in the river.  Who could the killer be?  The police have one suspect in mind, but how can they catch him?

Heffernan and Peterson seem to be floundering about with their investigation, getting nowhere.  Author Kate Ellis has several trials and tribulations awaiting for them before they can solve the case with numerous twists to the plot.  This murder mystery was quite an enjoyable and quick read.

Friday, March 8, 2019

The Marriage Hearse

The church was ready, friends and family awaited as did the groom, but there wasn’t going to be a wedding today because the bride was lying on her bed - dead!

DI Wesley Peterson and DCI Gerry Heffernan set about getting to know the victim by interviewing the people who knew her best.  However, as much as they have learned about her, Peterson feels that he still really doesn’t know her.

Two days later Peterson has to go to a farm where a skeleton was discovered by a treasure seeker.  That same day DC Steve Carstairs discovers that the victim was being watched by private investigators on behalf of a man who claimed to be her fiancé.  They have two potential suspects and both seem to have disappeared.

Dr. Neil Watson, Peterson’s archaeologist friend, examines the skeleton in situ and declares it to be an old burial.  However, the police have another body on their hands.  A man has been found murdered in his hotel room.

Despite having caught the killer of the girl, Peterson has doubts.  There seems to be more to the case, and it could be connected to the death of the man.

Peterson and his team need to gather evidence yet, as author Kate Ellis leads the reader by the nose hinting at perpetrators, each with their own valid reason for being the killer.  She then provides a surprising twist to the plot, which leaves the reader both surprised and shocked.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Gentleman Captain

Twenty year old Matthew Quinton is a gentleman and an inexperienced captain of “Happy Restoration”.  It doesn’t take him long to wreck the ship on the shore of Ireland.  Fortunately, Quinton is saved by the ship’s master, Kit Farrell.  They make a bargain once recovered on shore; Farrell will teach Quinton about sailing while Quinton will teach Farrell to read.

When King Charles demands your attendance, you don’t hesitate.  Such was Quinton’s reaction when he was called to Whitehall.  There the king appoints Quinton captain of the “Jupiter”.  His mission is to sail to Scotland to forestall a shipment of guns arriving.

Arriving in Portsmouth, Quinton is in no doubt that the men of the “Jupiter” are loyal to their dead former captain.  In fact the ship’s lieutenant tells Quinton that he is sure the former captain was murdered.

How can the new captain go about earning the respect of his crew?  And will Kit get to the ship before it sails?  Fortunately Kit just makes it and their mutual teachings begin.  Also, Quinton sails close to the Cornish coast so that news from families there can be shared with the sailors of the “Jupiter”.  One such piece of news provides further evidence that the previous captain was indeed murdered.

Off the coast of Scotland, the captains of the two ships are invited to join General Campbell for a meal at his abode.  The following day they meet the powerful Lady MacDonald.  Both wonder why there are two English ships in their waters.  They provide the excuse of stopping Dutch ships from being in the same area.

However, all is not as it seems.  Author J. D. Davies has ambition, treachery and a wild battle awaiting our hero.  What will be the outcome?  This is a good read for fans of historical fiction.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Blood on the Sand

The English have Calais under seige.  Archibald Tanner is preparing his guns to bombard the city.  Meanwhile Berenger Fripper and his vintaine of archers have been captured at sea before they could arrive at Calais to aid the English army.  They were taken to prison in Dunkirk.  Their only prospect is torture and death.

Surprisingly, the same man who captured the vintane, also rescues them from certain death.  He had not liked being overruled by the French on his promise of good treatment for the captives.  On the return trip, Berenger noticed a fleet of ships awaiting to sail in a nearby river.  After he reported it to Sir John de Sully, it was discovered that they had disappeared.  If they weren’t bringing soldiers to lift the siege at Calais, could they have been sent to help the Scots prepare for an invasion of England?

Berenger is under suspicion for being in the pay of the French because he and his vintane escaped from the French.  Also, how could he have an idea that the French fleet was headed to Scotland?

Berenger and his vintaine are then sent to the Northern Marches to warn of a potential invasion.  They are to guard the actual messenger being sent.  He is warned that if the messenger doesn’t make it, he will be regarded as a traitor.

The messenger, Andrew Retford, is only a fifteen year old boy, but he is cocky.  Berenger warns him that he is to follow his orders, for his own safety.  But, can they make it to deliver the message without any casualties?  Unfortunately, they are ambushed twice and lose three men including Retford.  Is there a traitor amongst the vintaine?

Having delivered the message to the Archbishop of York, the vintaine is now sent to the north to help stop the Scottish invasion.  At Barnard’s Castle Berenger is appointed captain of all the archers.  Fortunately, the English were victorious over the Scots.  Now the vintaine can return to Calais.

Breaking into Calais is not going to be easy, though, even with siege guns.  Men must bend to the will of kings, and so it is for the vintaine and the soldiers of France.  Author Michael Jecks historical novel is based on events in the past, and is full of action, treachery, spies, injuries and deaths.   Well written, the reader feels that they are a part of the action.  A very good read.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

No Safe Place

Detective Superintendent Corrigan has been informed that there is a tumour on his optic nerve.  He is going on leave, but DI Lottie Parker is not going to be serving as his replacement.  That honour goes to DI McMahon, which does not go down well with Parker.

Frustrated, Parker attempts to leave the station, however before she can get away, a woman stops her and tells her of screaming out at the cemetery.  Parker takes DS Mark Boyd with her to check things out.  They are shocked to find a body in the bottom of a freshly dug grave.

Lightly buried is a young woman who had been reported missing 48 hours earlier.  Back at the station, Corrigan tells Parker that he remembers an earlier case of similar circumstances, which was never solved.

The next thing Parker finds out is that her witness has been badly beaten and threatened.

That evening, Boyd’s sister tells him that a girl she had met on the train the previous day didn’t show up.  He doesn’t make anything of it, but when DC Kirby and his girlfriend show up to report the same girl missing, he has to take notice.  Late that night another body is found.

A fire breaks out in the home of the witness, but unfortunately she is u able to get out with her baby.  Was the fire set to keep her from telling the police any more or was she killed because of mischief her husband was involved in?

It turns out that the body recently found is that of a missing woman from ten years ago, but she hadn’t been dead that long!  Parker’s life is about to slide into a shambles, and there is nothing she can do to stop that from happening.

Author Patricia Gibney’s closing pages of this murder thriller have several twists and surprises with an unusual conclusion.  This page turner is a very good read.