Monday, March 25, 2019

The Mountain of Gold

Captain Matthew Quinton now commands the Wessex in the Mediterranean where his ship has just captured a Algerian corsair.  The captain turns out to be an Irishman, one Brian Doyle O’Dwyer.  But that will not save his neck from being stretched from a yardarm.  However, his story of a mountain of gold in Africa is tempting.

The governor of Tangier orders Quinton to take O’Dwyer to King Charles post haste.  It isn’t long before Quinton is ordered by the king to take the newly appointed Lieutenant-Colonel O’Dwyer to Africa to find the mountain of gold.  Before he is to leave a betrothal party is held at Ravensden for his brother.  It is here that Quinton’s brother-in-law warns him that the mountain of gold must not be found because King Charles could then become an absolute monarch.

It was time to victual and man his new ship, the Seraph.  But, who would volunteer during a time of peace?  Fortunately, the Cornishmen from his old command, the Jupiter step forward.  At this same time Quinton receives a letter from an old friend in France, who warns of a man who wants to also discover the mountain of gold or eliminate those in England who are not Catholic.

As the Seraph started out on her maiden voyage, a ship with a skeleton crew tried to ram it, but Quinton too evasive action at the right moment.  Who was trying to scuttle the voyage before it began?  Quinton had some ideas, but foremost in his mind was to get on with the voyage to Africa.  First he divides his own quarters in two so that he can keep O’Dwyer close at hand.

Some time into the voyage the chain that operates the bilge pump appeared to be wearing out.  Had the supplier sold the navy shoddy goods, or was it a case of sabotage?  They put into Tenerife to have replacements made.  Once they have the replacements, they set sail for The Gambia.

Having arrived at that destination, Quinton is informed that they will need a couple of months to build boats to get further up river and then a three month march to the mountain of gold!  Allowing for the same time to return, Quinton will be away from England and his wife for a year!

Author J. D. Davies has adventure, exploration of Africa and treachery ahead for Captain Quinton and the crew of his ship.  Will they find the mysterious mountain of gold?  Read on dear reader, read on!

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