Sunday, March 31, 2019

Vespasian ~ Tribune of Rome

Vespasian has grown up on a farm, and enjoys the lifestyle.  He doesn’t want to become a soldier like his older brother, Sabinus.  However, their father has declared that Sabinus is to learn how to manage the farm from Vespasian while the latter teaches him how to be a soldier.

Competitive as boys, the pair soon learn from each other and a mutual respect develops.  Early in the new year, the family moves to Rome in order for Sabinus and Vespasian to be introduced into Roman society.  Vespasian is overwhelmed by the huge city and its crowds.  It is hoped that his Uncle Gaius will make the necessary introductions.

At the races, Vespasian spots a beautiful slave girl who belongs to Antonia, sister-in-law to Emperor Tiberius.  Her name is Caenis.  Gaius and his nephews are surprised when Antonia invites them to a meal.  There they meet with Asinius and learn of plots to overthrow Tiberius.  Gaius is given a job in the treasury while Vespasian will be sent east to spy in the hopes of gathering information, which will help protect Tiberius.

Getting out of Rome isn’t going to be as easy as getting into it had been.  There are soldiers looking for Vespasian.  A thug, who serves Antonia offers to be Vespasian’s freedman while he is in the army.  Before long, the pair are off to war in the east.

Author Robert Fabbri has plenty of adventures awaiting Vespasian and his new friend Magnus to the east of Rome.  Treachery and violent death seem to be commonplace.  This was a thoroughly rousing and epic read.  I found it hard to put down, and can’t wait to get my hands on the sequels.

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