Tuesday, May 14, 2019

False God of Rome

Jerusalem, 33 A. D., where a man by the name of Yeshua has been condemned by Pontius Pilate to be crucified for claiming to be a king of the Jews, however he states that he has never said that, rather others have.  Questor Sabinus is warmed that it is the dawning of a new age.

A year later Vespasian is in Cyrenaica hoping to be able to travel to Egypt, but Emperor Tiberius forbids it.  Vespasian’s mind is taken from that task when he meets Flavia Domitilla.  Vespasian is determined to make her his wife.  She demands that he take men into the desert to bring back her man.  He agrees to do so, but it will not be an easy task.

Having successfully released many captured people, Vespasian is thanked especially by one Yosef, who was related to the man crucified in Jerusalem.  Yosef will be vital in putting down a riot in Cyrene when they get back.

Back in Rome, Vespasian has to carefully consider his next move.  Does he trust Antonia or the senate with the information he has gleaned on his expedition?  His only option is Antonia, and from her he learns of a conspiracy to wrest power from the emperor.  What can they do to halt the conspiracy?

Despite unscrupulous means, Vespasian comes out the conspiracy mess unscathed.  Two years on and Tiberius has died.  Caligula claims the throne.  Since Vespasian was a good friend of Caligula, Caligula expects his friend to be with him.  What will it mean for Vespasian?

Caligula spends profligately, quickly depleting the treasury.  However, the people and his army are happy with their newfound funds, so they aren’t bothered by his sexual depravity.  As time goes by, Caligula’s madness deepens; no one is safe from his whims.

What can be done with an emperor out of control? Assassination would mean immediate death for the assassin.  Author Robert Fabbri has written an intriguing historical fiction tale about Rome at the time of one of its worst emperors, showing the machinations of those in power and those ambitious for power.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, making the reader wonder what will come next, but I will have to wait until I have the next book in the series.

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