Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Anatomist’s Apprentice

Lady Lydia Farrell has come to see Dr Thomas Silkstone regarding a very delicate matter.  He is a well known anatomist, and she wants him to exam her recently deceased brother to determine whether he was poisoned.  Rumour has it that he was poisoned by her husband so that he could gain her brother’s inheritance.

Silkstone must travel to Oxford to examine the body, which has been dead for a week now.  After presenting his credentials to the coroner, Silkstone is given the opportunity to  perform an examination of the body.  It is badly decomposed, but he is able to remove a few intact organs for further study.  He returns to London to do that.

The evening of his return to London Silkstone receives a letter telling him to stay away from Oxford.  The following morning, Lady Farrell’s cousin, Francis Crick, brings Silkstone a vial containing cyanide.  Could this be what killed the young man?  Working together, they eliminate it.  So what killed him?  The evening he returns to Oxford he is badly beaten.  Someone doesn’t want him giving his report to the coroner’s inquest!  Fortunately, he survived and was able to tell the inquest that the victim didn’t die as a result of cyanide poisoning.  However, he was sure that the victim was poisoned somehow, but he had yet to discover by what.

The brother-in-law is the prime suspect, and when he apparently takes his own life in jail, Silkstone is sure that he didn’t.  How will he be able to prove it when the deceased’s lawyer is preventing him from accessing the body or the widow?

Author Tessa Harris’ first novel in this series is intriguing and mind gripping.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the sequels.

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