Monday, August 19, 2019


DCI Mike Lewis has big case on his hands.  It started out as what appeared to be a murder case in which the killer was caught red handed.  However, shortly after the suspect was in the interview room, he began to confess to a couple of other unsolved murders.  One of which had been handled by Detective Chief Superintendent James Langton.

Langton calls DCI Anna Travis, who now researches cold cases, to assist on his old case.  She doesn’t want it to look like she is taking the case away from Lewis, but Langton assures her that will not be the case.

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the investigation, Lewis’ case against the suspect of one of the killings he had admitted to is very weak.  However, the forensic evidence from the body he was caught with is very strong.

Travis and Lewis agree to work their missing persons cases in parallel.  Travis is not looking forward to meeting the family of the girl she is working on.  The girl had only been thirteen at the time of her disappearance.

Bit by bit, the two teams begin to gather evidence against the suspect.  Will it be enough or will his solicitor be able to counter it all?  A break occurs when the body of one of the victims is found where the suspect had done casual labour.  However, a small crucifix found with the body did not belong to her.  Was it the killer’s?

Limited evidence and spiralling costs cause Langton to threaten to shut down the investigation.  Travis doesn’t want to give up.  Fortunately, she doesn’t have to because Langton is able to get the Area Commander on board.

Author Lynda La Plante has written another extremely good police procedure murder mystery.  Intense in the investigation, hazards and troubles that go hand-in-hand, this story gets the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next, and of course there are a few surprises thrown in for good measure.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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