Thursday, August 29, 2019


Revelation by C. J. Sansom 

Lawyer Matthew Shardlake has an unusual case on his hands.  A boy has been incarcerated in Bedlam because of some things he has been saying.  In particular, he has been praying, asking for salvation.

A few days later, on Easter Day, Matthew’s best friend, Roger Elliard is murdered.  Matthew’ assistant, Barak, discovers footprints in the snow and sets out to follow them.  Matthew promises Roger’s widow, Dorothy, that he will find his killer.  Later, Matthew’s friend, Dr. Guy Malton, after examining the corpse informs Matthew that Roger had been drugged prior to his killing.

The coroner ensures that no one is allowed to speak of the murder after the inquest.  Matthew feels there is more to be discovered, and Dorothy wonders why the coroner wants it dropped.  When Matthew goes to question the coroner, he finds him speaking to Sir Thomas Seymour.  They tell him that Roger’s death has political implications, and they are now going to take Matthew to meet Archbishop Cranmer.

Cranmer informs Matthew that a similar murder had occurred a month earlier.  A man closely connected to Catherine Parr.  He was the doctor who looked after her late husband.  Parr is being courted by King Henry, and she is a firm believer in religious reform.  Cranmer’s council hopes to have her marry the king to help further reforms.

What are the connections between the two men?  Matthew sets out to find them alongside Coroner Harsnet.  While investigating a third death with Barak, something the latter says strikes Matthew as important.  In a church he looks in the Bible at the Book of Revelation and discovers quotations, which fit each killing.  There have been three deaths so far, so that means four more are to come.  When and where will the killer strike next?  Revelation reveals how it will be, but nothing more.  What of the other forthcoming deaths?

One evening a few days later, Barak’s wife, Tamasin, comes to Matthew.  She has been beaten.  She says that the man who did it, warned her that he knew that Barak and Matthew were hunting him.

They have a suspect in mind, but he seems to have disappeared.  He was a monk at one time in charge an infirmary and therefore have knowledge of drugs.  Can they capture him before he brings further death?  Or is it possible that the suspect isn’t who they think it is?  

Author C. J. Sansom’s fourth book in the Shardlake series is tension filled with a surprising conclusion.  I am thoroughly enjoying this series and look forward to reading the next in the series.

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