Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Final Betrayal

DI Lottie Parker and DS Mark Boyd have just been handed a missing persons case.  The daughter of a local councillor hasn’t shown up after the weekend.  He is very worried and indicates that his daughter’s best friend is also missing.

Two days later the bodies of the two young women are found in a derelict house.  Alongside the bodies are found blank coins.  Is it the calling card of the killer?  Superintendent McMahon wants the killer found immediately.

On top of this, Lottie finds out from her half brother that he has had his twin sister released on day parole from the insane asylum.  This issue is magnified by the fact that she has escaped from him, and could be anywhere.  She has killed in the past and is a threat to Lottie’s family.

In the bedroom of one of the victims a threatening note is found with another coin.  Her father knows nothing about it.

Then two more young women are found murdered.  One has a connection to one of the previous victims.  Once again coins were found with the bodies and at the home of one of the victims.

As the body count mounts, Lottie’s daughters go missing.  They become her priority, can they be found before they end up dead like the other women?

Author Patricia Gibney’s thriller is very fast paced and full of tension.  As the reader, you will find yourself turning the pages wondering what is going to happen next.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Perfect Crime

DI Luc Callanach has been called to the mortuary by DCI Ava Turner to be on hand for a post mortem on a man who had jumped to his death.  However, pathologist Aisla Lambert is ruling out suicide after examining the victim’s hands.

The following day, the victim is identified as a man who had earlier attempted suicide.  Callanach and DS Tripp meet with the man who had talked him down previously.

Later Turner calls Callanach into her office about another suspicious death.  However, in this instance Callanach himself is a potential suspect because he had visited the victim just before his death.  A few hours later, when Turner is going to speak to Callanach as a follow up, they are called out to another suspicious death; a woman who has been dead upwards of three weeks.

When another death is discovered, this time a male, Aisla Lambert indicates that the ties used on him are the same as those used on the woman, and have the same batch number on them.

Then suddenly Callanach and Turner’s relationship takes a bad turn.  A man associated with the victim he had visited has now been murdered.  Turner has no option left, but to suspend Callanach.

How many more people are going to die before Turner’s team can catch this serial killer?  Can she and Callanach get their relationship back on track or is it best to be done with each other?  Author Helen Fields has the answers awaiting the reader.  This is a thriller that is hard to put down, and a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Blood of Rome

Tribune Cato and Centurion Macro are in Tarsus when word reaches them that the new emperor, Nero has decided to go to war with Armenia and possibly Parthia.  It will take General Corbulo some time to get his troops ready to march.  He commands the governor to provide him with two of his legions.

Corbulo orders Cato to take his cohort to Armenia with King Rhadamistus in advance and place him back on his throne.  When Cato’s cohort arrives at Bactris, they find that the men sent by the governor and Rhadamistus’ army have not set up a defensive camp.  Cato is not impressed.  He tells Rhadamistus as much.   The latter agrees to Macro training his army in Roman tactics and requests that his men in turn be taught how to use the siege equipment , which will be arriving later.  This is contrary to Corbulo’s orders to Cato.

When Corbulo arrives, he is disgusted with the state of the eastern soldiers and auxiliaries.  They will need further training before they can advance.  However, Cato’s cohort is ready to go, and Rhadamistus must not be delayed in regaining his throne.  It could mean that Cato’s cohort could be without support for a year and possibly mean their destruction. 

It doesn’t take long for Cato and Macro to realise just how treacherous and untrustworthy Rhadamistus is.  It would play against the friendship the two Romans had developed over the years.

Not long after this, Cato’s nerve cracks.  Fortunately, Macro stands in for him.  With Cato incapacitated, Rhadamistus tried to intimidate Macro into allowing him to take command, but Macro does not back down.

A few days to recover and Cato was back to his old self, although physically weaker.  However, he once again takes command of the column.  It is not going to be an easy task getting to Rhadamistus’ capital of Artaxata because of the mountainous trail.

The question is, will there be something more treacherous than the mountains?  What will become of the mission?  Author Simon Scarrow has taken an historical story and made it his own.  As usual the story is full of action and intrigue.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Death Toll

DI Peter Shaw and DS George Valentine have been called out to a cemetery where the graves are being relocated due to flooding.  One grave contains an extra body on top of the coffin.  The skeleton in the coffin has shattered bones.  What happened to her?

Using his forensic artistic talent, Shaw draws a likeness of the victim found on top of the coffin.  It is the likeness of a black man.

DC Paul Twine discovers that she was murdered by her husband.  Following up, Shaw meets with the daughter of the woman in the coffin, and shows her the drawing.  She is shocked by the picture because it is her cousin, and also the father of her son.  A story comes out about his last night, at the wake.  Shaw learns that a choir had sung at the wake and that a video recording had been made.  How can he get his hands on it?

They get a small break when the pathology team tell them that the grave had been dug into recently.  Who did it and why was it done?  There are three possible suspects; were they in it together or separately, or is it someone else entirely?

Author Jim Kelly hints at other suspects as the investigation progresses, and leaves the reader wondering.  While the investigation is ongoing, Shaw and Valentine have another side investigation going on related to a previous murder that Valentine and Shaw’s father had apparently screwed up on.  This too will come to a conclusion in this novel.  All-in-all a thoroughly enjoyable read.

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Furies of Rome

It is late 58 A. D., and Vespasian and Sabinus’ mother has just crossed the Styx.  Although in mourning, they are scheming about how to pass information on to Paulinus in Brittania, while staying on the good side of Nero.

Later, Nero is persuaded by his mistress, Seneca and Pallas to eliminate his mother.  Agrippina is seen as a threat to Nero’s power.  So an elaborate scheme is made to have her drown on a ship at sea after apparently reconciling with Nero.  However, she manages to swim to safety.  Nero then orders that she be executed.  Vespasian has to be a witness to the execution.

Later, when Vespasian is under threat, it is his lover, Caenis that has knowledge and materials that alleviate that threat.    Shortly afterwards when summoned by Nero, Vespasian’s fear is palpable, but fortunately it is not serious.  He is to be sent to Britannia.  Caenis also travels there as an agent of Seneca, who wants her to withdraw his funds from there before Nero pulls out of the province.

One couple Caenis demands repayment from is Prasutagus and Boudicca.  They quickly come to the realisation that Boudicca is a powerful woman.  In a short time other financiers are also demanding their money.  This begins to cause unrest.  In desperation, Procurator Decianus goes to Boudicca and steals her money, whips her and has her daughters raped.  Little does he know that Boudicca will lead a dangerous uprising against the Romans.

With her massive army, Boudicca wreaks havoc, death and destruction on Roman Britain.  With over sixty thousand armed warriors, what chance does Governor Paulinus and his small Roman army have?

Author Robert Fabbri outlines the final battle for Boudicca and her vast army and how the Romans prevailed.  However, Boudicca’s uprising would force Nero to leave his army in Britain.  But what of the future of Vespasian and Nero?  That is obviously to come in the next book.  I look forward reading it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Shroud Maker

The Shroud Maker by Kate Ellis

A year ago at the Palkin  Festival, a young woman had disappeared.  At the beginning of this festival, the mother of the woman received a letter stating that she was still in Tradmouth.  DCI Gerry Heffernan isn’t so sure, however he and DI Wesley Peterson promise to look into it.

Just as they get back to the station, DS Rachel Tracey informs them that a dingy has been found at sea with the body of a young woman in it.

The following morning Gerry arrives at the station upset.  His daughter, Rosie, didn’t show up at home as she had told him she would.  At the post mortem Gerry and Wesley are informed by the pathologist that the victim was strangled and she has a tattoo on her shoulder.  Could this be the missing woman from a year ago, because she too, had a similar tattoo on her shoulder.

The day after they are able to identify the victim at a musical rehearsal.  Rosie also shows up, but she has a black eye and a look of fear.

That same day, Wesley’s wife, Pam discovers an image on an online game that is eerily similar to the victim in the dingy.  The owner of the site is developing a new house, but is having Dr. Neil Watson lead an archaeological dig before building.

In a nearby indoor pool the body of a well dressed man has been found floating face down.  Pathologist Colin Bowman confirms that they have a suspicious death on their hands.  What was a private investigator doing down there and why would someone kill him?

Meantime, Dr. Watson has discovered human bones out at his dig?  Are they the bones of the missing girl or is it an older burial?

Can Gerry and Wesley tie the cases together?  How will Watson's discover tie in with the modern cases?  Author Kate Ellis has a lot of work ahead for the pair and their team.  Good hard police work will help them solve the case, but it could prove costly when Ellis throws in a few twists.  An enjoyable good read.