Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Blood of Rome

Tribune Cato and Centurion Macro are in Tarsus when word reaches them that the new emperor, Nero has decided to go to war with Armenia and possibly Parthia.  It will take General Corbulo some time to get his troops ready to march.  He commands the governor to provide him with two of his legions.

Corbulo orders Cato to take his cohort to Armenia with King Rhadamistus in advance and place him back on his throne.  When Cato’s cohort arrives at Bactris, they find that the men sent by the governor and Rhadamistus’ army have not set up a defensive camp.  Cato is not impressed.  He tells Rhadamistus as much.   The latter agrees to Macro training his army in Roman tactics and requests that his men in turn be taught how to use the siege equipment , which will be arriving later.  This is contrary to Corbulo’s orders to Cato.

When Corbulo arrives, he is disgusted with the state of the eastern soldiers and auxiliaries.  They will need further training before they can advance.  However, Cato’s cohort is ready to go, and Rhadamistus must not be delayed in regaining his throne.  It could mean that Cato’s cohort could be without support for a year and possibly mean their destruction. 

It doesn’t take long for Cato and Macro to realise just how treacherous and untrustworthy Rhadamistus is.  It would play against the friendship the two Romans had developed over the years.

Not long after this, Cato’s nerve cracks.  Fortunately, Macro stands in for him.  With Cato incapacitated, Rhadamistus tried to intimidate Macro into allowing him to take command, but Macro does not back down.

A few days to recover and Cato was back to his old self, although physically weaker.  However, he once again takes command of the column.  It is not going to be an easy task getting to Rhadamistus’ capital of Artaxata because of the mountainous trail.

The question is, will there be something more treacherous than the mountains?  What will become of the mission?  Author Simon Scarrow has taken an historical story and made it his own.  As usual the story is full of action and intrigue.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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