Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Shroud Maker

The Shroud Maker by Kate Ellis

A year ago at the Palkin  Festival, a young woman had disappeared.  At the beginning of this festival, the mother of the woman received a letter stating that she was still in Tradmouth.  DCI Gerry Heffernan isn’t so sure, however he and DI Wesley Peterson promise to look into it.

Just as they get back to the station, DS Rachel Tracey informs them that a dingy has been found at sea with the body of a young woman in it.

The following morning Gerry arrives at the station upset.  His daughter, Rosie, didn’t show up at home as she had told him she would.  At the post mortem Gerry and Wesley are informed by the pathologist that the victim was strangled and she has a tattoo on her shoulder.  Could this be the missing woman from a year ago, because she too, had a similar tattoo on her shoulder.

The day after they are able to identify the victim at a musical rehearsal.  Rosie also shows up, but she has a black eye and a look of fear.

That same day, Wesley’s wife, Pam discovers an image on an online game that is eerily similar to the victim in the dingy.  The owner of the site is developing a new house, but is having Dr. Neil Watson lead an archaeological dig before building.

In a nearby indoor pool the body of a well dressed man has been found floating face down.  Pathologist Colin Bowman confirms that they have a suspicious death on their hands.  What was a private investigator doing down there and why would someone kill him?

Meantime, Dr. Watson has discovered human bones out at his dig?  Are they the bones of the missing girl or is it an older burial?

Can Gerry and Wesley tie the cases together?  How will Watson's discover tie in with the modern cases?  Author Kate Ellis has a lot of work ahead for the pair and their team.  Good hard police work will help them solve the case, but it could prove costly when Ellis throws in a few twists.  An enjoyable good read.

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