Monday, October 14, 2019


Matthew Shardlake has been called to Hampton Court by Queen Catherine.  He is unsure what to expect because the last time he had worked for the queen he had run into difficulties.  This time he is asked to take on a case of an orphan who has had his inheritance taken from him.  The boy’s former tutor had set the case in motion because of what he felt was the injustice being done to the boy.  Unfortunately, the tutor had recently committed suicide.  The tutor’s mother has turned to the queen for help, and she now wants Shardlake to act as the lawyer on behalf of the deceased tutor.

It isn’t long into the investigation when Shardlake is threatened and warned off taking the case any further.  Meantime, Jack Barak, Shardlake’s right hand man has gotten himself conscripted.  His wife, Tamasin is seven months pregnant.  Shardlake does his best to stop the conscription.  Fortunately, the judge in charge of the case orders that Shardlake and Barak go to Hampshire to further investigate the case.  However, the other lawyer, Dyrick and his man Feaveryear are also to be in on the investigation.

Since their destination is not far from the home of Ellen, a patient held at Bedlam, Shardlake also plans to check into the reason for her being incarcerated there.

The March south is no easy slog.  Fortunately, the party meets up with a contingent of archers going to Portsmouth to see off the threatened French invasion, thereby having priority to get through.

When they get to Hoyland, the family seems to be cooperative, however Shardlake notes that they appear to be afraid; of the peasants in the area, of Shardlake and of themselves.  While examining the woods possessed by the lad they are representing, an arrow is shot at Shardlake and Barak.  Fortunately, it missed.  The following day Shardlake travels alone to Rolfswood, home of Ellen.  What will he learn there, and will it be of any help to her?

Later in Portsmouth, doesn’t really get any answers to his queries, but he does find some interesting news about Ellen.  Can he believe it?

The day before Shardlake and Barak are to leave their host puts on a deer hunt.  While the hunters are out chasing the deer, the wife of their host is murdered.  Several are quick to condemn a local villager who opposes the lord taking common land.

How many more deaths are there going to be before Shardlake can solve the cases he has on his plate?  Author C. J. Sansom has a number of surprises up his sleeve as he keeps the reader engaged in this thriller.  A thoroughly enjoyable read and hard to put down.

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