Friday, October 11, 2019

The Crow Trap

Rachael had gone out to Baikie’s Cottage to do some mapping with students but first she planned a restful weekend with her friend Bella.  Unfortunately out in the shed, she found Bella had hung herself.  Bella had had enough of looking after Dougie after his stroke.

Rachael wants to know the reason behind Bella’s suicide.  She talks with her mother about it.  However, her mapping assignment must come first.  She has two other women working on the mapping; Anne and Grace.  As time goes by the pair don’t get along.  Then one evening, Grace doesn’t come back from her mapping excursion.  The following morning she is found dead.

Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope shows up with her sergeant Joe Ashworth to conduct the investigation into Grace’s death.  Her first task is to learn what the women had been doing at Baikie’s Cottage. Had Grace been killed as some part of industrial intimidation?  However, Anne and Rachael refuse to leave, which fits into Stanhope’s plans perfectly.  Rachel quickly realises that they are decoys.  Rachel is also sure that the deaths of Bella and Grace are related.  How can she and her mother, Edie prove it?

It isn’t until the last quarter of the novel that author Anne Cleeves truly introduces DI Vera Stanhope.  Stanhope seems to be a plodding detective, however she does get the job done in her own steady way.  This is a new series for me, and I’m unsure how it will go.

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