Sunday, February 16, 2020

Blood in Eden

Sister Fidelma and her partner Eadulf are on their way home to Cashel when they come upon a lynching in progress.  Only Fidelma’s authoritative voice prevents a man from being killed.  A new priest to the area, Brother Gadra, seems to be the one behind the lynching, while the young magistrate, Fethmac, has been restrained by some of the men.  Once it is known who Fidelma is, the populace melts away, but Brither Gadra maintains his belligerent attitude.

The man has been accused of killing a man and his family.  Fidelma plans to stay and hold a court to determine his guilt or innocence.  The following day, Fidelma begins her investigation.  When Eadulf examines the bodies, he discovers that either two different weapons were used or there were two killers.  One weapon is found nearby and the second in the suspect’s wagon.

On the night of the funeral, a surprise claimant to the property of the victims shows up, plus there is news that the suspect has escaped.  When Fidelma examines the place where he has been kept, it quickly becomes apparent that he had had help to escape.  Unfortunately, that help also tried to kill him.

How many more murders or attempted murders will Fidelma and Eadulf have to investigate before they get to the truth?  Author Peter Tremayne has written another complex historical murder mystery full of knots, which must be unravelled in order to find the true culprit.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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