Sunday, February 23, 2020

Believe or Die

Richard Mead has invited a traveller called Michael into his home before an imminent storm is about to arrive.  Michael, a Jew, tells Mead that he is in search of a physician who knows how to cure a certain malady.  He refuses to tell Mead exactly what the malady is.

So, that evening to kill time, Richard tells Michael his story.  Growing up, his best friend was Wil Pitkin.  As a young man, Wil was conflicted by a pale, which his carpenter father was building for the church.  It would separate those of wealth from those of lesser value.  Archbishop Laud had decreed that all churches have a pale, and the king supported it.  Wil was not sure that he did, whereas, Richard felt that if the king decreed it, it must be so.

King Charles has asked parliament for money to fight the Scots, but they present him with a list of demands instead.  He dissolved parliament as a result.  People begin to take sides.  Madness ensues.  In the madness, Wil and Richard would accidentally kill the other’s sweetheart.  They now find themselves in opposition to each other and fighting for the cause that they were against earlier; Wil a Royalist Cavalier and Richard a Parliament Roundhead.

They confronted each other at the first battle between the two sides at Edgehill.  Fortunately, neither harmed the other.  During the winter the two sides sat and waited, using small raids to harass the other.  Before long, Wil was promoted to sergeant, while Richard rose to be a cornet.  In the coming months and battles, both would be promoted to lieutenant.

Their next encounter would be at the Battle of Marston Moor.  Each would come out of the battle more bitter, but not unscathed.  As a result of that battle, at the beginning of 1645 Oliver Cromwell created the New Model Army.  By June, Wil was a captain, and at the Battle of Naseby, where once again the bitterness between the two men would elevate.  The Roundheads were victorious and now the king was on his back foot.  Richard was made a captain, but by now the people were sick and tired of the war.

In 1646, seeing no other option, King Charles surrendered to the Scots.  However, due to his arrogance, they turned him over to the English.  Parliament had hoped that he would acquiesce to their demands.  He refused.  Parliament also had issues with the New Model Army, and eventually it took control.  On January 30th, 1649, Charles was executed.

Cromwell was now in charge.  Any Royalist who refuses to accept the new regime is put to death.  Wil decides to escape to France, but before Richard can catch him on the coast, he is captured by pirates.  Their lives now follow a very divergent path.  Will the two men ever meet again, and if so, what will happen?

Author M. J. Harris’ historical novel tells the story of the English civil war and two combatants, and their story beyond.  The different paths taken by the men is full of excitement and danger.  A quite enjoyable read.

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