Monday, March 2, 2020

Summon up the Blood

Summon up the Blood by R. N. Morris

Detective Inspector Silas Quinn is the main detective in Special Crimes.  The head of the department, Sir Edward Henry, has just informed him that the future of Special Crimes is up in the air.  Henry has also given Quinn a specific task; to investigate the body of a man who was drained of all of his blood.

Quinn has the assistance of two Detective Sergeants; Inchball and Macadam.

The witness who had found him indicated that victim had had his throat slashed.  The police surgeon stated in his report that there were rope abrasions on the ankles, suggesting that the victim had been hung up to allow the blood to drain.  There was no blood on the clothing, so he had been naked when his throat was slashed.  So far the victim has not been identified.

The only item on the body was a silver cigarette case.  However, it initially seems to have disappeared at the police station, but then surprisingly turns up.  Quinn is sure that it belonged to the killer.  Inside the  case is an inscription, will it be a factor in finding the killer?

Forensics found a single flake of tobacco in the case.  It appears to have been soaked in opium.

Quinn decides to go undercover.  His sergeants are wary of the plan, and suggest backup, however Quinn vetoes that and tells them that they have other parts of the investigation to run.  Quinn is also sure that there will be more victims to come.

Quinn is later surprised when a journalist comes to him and tells him that he knows about the story.  He also knows the name of the first victim.  Quinn asks the journalist to back off publishing the story for a bit.  The journalist wants an exclusive arrangement when the time comes to publish.

Surprise and shock occurs when another three similar murders are found.  With the positioning of the bodies, Quinn comes to the realisation that there is a symbolism to the killings.

Author R. N. Morris presents plenty of suspects for Quinn and his two sergeants to investigate, but can he find the killer before he kills again?  Morris has written an interesting thriller, with a very surprising ending.  A good read.

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