Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Emperor of Rome

Neither Galba nor Otho did not last long as Emperor of Rome.  Vitellius quickly succeeded them and took Rome.  The people weren’t prepared to give up on him. On the other hand, Sabinus was preparing fo his brother, Vespasian, who had been proclaimed Emperor by his legions to return to the city.  It would not be an easy accession.

Prior to Nero’s death, he had sent Vespasian to the east to quell the rebellious Jews.  The task is meant to keep Vespasian out of the way and away from Rome.

As Vespasian prepares to advance on Rome, he hears rumours of the western legions supporting Galba as emperor, however Nero remains in control.  However, when the Praetorian Guard turns against him, Nero commits suicide and the Senate proclaims Galba the Emperor.

Galba doesn’t confirm Vespasian in his role, rather sends Praetorian Guards to kill him.  After the attempt fails, Vespasian begins planning to become Emperor of Rome.  It isn’t long before Galba is dead and replaced by Otho.  How long before he is gone in turn?  It also appears that Vitellius has aspirations for the purple.

With Otho’s defeat and Vitellius firmly in power, Vespasian’s legions once again swear allegiance to the new emperor.  However, it isn’t long after this, that the armies of the east proclaim Vespasian as their emperor.

Where will this lead and to what end?  Vitellius refuses to retire, so civil war is inevitable.  How long will it last and who will be the victor?

Author Robert Fabbri’s historical series about Vespasian comes to an end with this novel.  Vespasian served as emperor for ten years before he died, and was a respected emperor, unlike those who had preceded him.  The series is an excellent read, well worth reading for fans of Roman history.

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