Tuesday, August 25, 2020

None the Wiser

DC Jan West has had to travel a narrow, muddy path to approach the narrow boat DS Mark Turpin is on.  She is even less impressed when his dog, Hamish, leaves muddy paw prints on her trousers.  They are to go to a murder scene.

The victim is a priest who was killed in his own church.  His tongue had been removed before his throat was slashed.  At the scene of the crime, pathologist, Gillian Appleworth, outlines what is known.  Jan doesn’t understand the apparent animosity between her and Turpin.  She shortly learns that Appleworth is the sister to Turpin’s ex-wife.

Back at the station, Turpin is introduced to DI Ewan Kennedy.  Kennedy quickly informs Turpin that he will be Deputy SIO.

A few nights later there is another murder.  In this case, the victim, also a priest, has had his eyes gouged out.  DI Kennedy wants Turpin at the upcoming press conference.  A reporter asks him about his health, because he had recently been involved in a near death experience.  Turpin responds that Kennedy had specifically asked for him.

Jan wonders if the killer is finished?  Will he kill again?  An article that Turpin reads in a newspaper gives him a potential idea as to why the killer is striking out at priests.  It is not surprising when a third priest is attacked, fortunately he is alive, but missing part of his ear.  A piece of evidence leads to them bringing in a suspect.

Do they have their man?  Author Rachel Amphlett has written an excellent, fast paced thriller that concludes with a real surprise.  Why did the killer kill?  You will find yourself turning pages to follow the investigation and the answer to the above question.  An excellent read and I am looking forward to reading the sequel.

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