Thursday, August 27, 2020

Winding up the Serpent

DI Joanna Piercy has a couple of crime issues in her small town; someone has stolen several hundred Royal Doulton figures, and someone else has started providing drugs at the local school.

However, it is a case that DS Mike Korpanski brings to her that grasps her attention.  A nurse hasn’t shown up at work.  Uniforms sent to the house find it locked and a frantic dog barking inside.  Once inside, Piercy finds the nurse dead on her bed.  So, is it a suicide or a murder?  Piercy is sure it is murder, while Korpanski, who was overlooked when Piercy was appointed DI, contests her ideas.

Pathologist Mat Levin is unable to find any cause of death during the autopsy.  One thing that stands out about the dead woman is that she seems to have had a lot of money.  How could a nurse have that kind of money?  Blackmail?  If so, who was she blackmailing?

Based on an article in a medical journal, Levin thinks that the dead woman could have been killed using a substance natural to the human body - insulin could have been injected into her.  An overdose would kill.

So who was the killer?  Author Priscilla Masters’ killer is a surprise.  Piercy is slowly able to unwrap the mystery, and with help, solve the theft of the Royal Doulton figures. Masters has written a very good murder mystery, and I am looking forward to reading the next book.

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