Monday, November 23, 2020


DI Vinnie Palmer and DC Rob Hill are at Strangeways Prison in Manchester to interview a guard as to how he and his partner had come to lose a prisoner they were escorting to another lockup.  As Palmer is finishing up his notes on the interview they are called out of the city to where a headless body has been found.  Palmer is sure that it is the missing guard.

The head is found later in the home of the guard whom they had just interviewed.  Hill spots the killer in the dead guard’s vehicle, but they are unable to catch him.  A few days later, Palmer receives a phone call from the killer.  As he tells Hill, they are being toyed with.  Later in the day, Palmer’s boss, Delany calls him back to the office.  They are going to interview the cop who had originally put the killer behind bars.  From him they learn that the killer has contacted him and plans on killing him.

How many more people will die before the police have caught the killer?  Will Palmer survive?  Author Roger A. Price’s first thriller is full of bad cops, treachery and action.  Fast paced, this first in a series is a good read.  I look forward to reading the sequels.

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