Thursday, November 26, 2020

What Dies Inside

October 1984 and the IRA has just exploded a bomb at the hotel where the Conservative Party is holding its convention.  The police, Special Branch and MI5 are looking for the bomber, one Gerry Durkan.

Durkan manages to get the draw on a Special Branch officer and shoot him.  Meanwhile, MI5 operative Martin Palmer has found out via a wire tap where Durkan is going to meet up with his girlfriend.  Will he have any more luck catching the Irish fugitive?

A raid, which fails to capture Durkan, turns up a photo that points to a killer.  Constable John Carlyle finds the incriminating photo during the raid on a London pub.  What shall he do with it?

The above question sits unanswered at the end of James Craig’s second prequel to the series about John Carlyle, leaving the reader to wonder what is next.  A very quick read.

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