Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I've been a fan of Morgan Llywelyn's writings for years.  She has always been very true to the Irish subject that she is writing about.  So, when I picked up "Brendan" I was expecting to read about 'Brendan the Navigator' and his voyage to the New World.  Unfortunately that was not to be the case.

Was I disappointed?  No, I was not.  True to her form, Llywelyn told the story of Brendan, from a young man until his death.  Bits and pieces of his voyage to the New World were interspersed.    Brendan didn't find the Isle of the Blessed, but he did become a saint for his works.  Llywelyn shows that Brendan was a man with all the questions that man has, and in his search for answers he didn't find Paradise, but he did find his god.

I found this to be a very interesting and relaxing read.  As usual with all of Llwelyn's writings, it is well researched and worthy of the read.

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